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𝐀 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐅 fiasco courtesy of Mikaela's mean comment towards Bee's model later, and they found themselves pulling up to a small lawn of a government building. Bee let them out. The three humans stared up at the night sky anxiously. Darting across the night canvas were bright lights, that resembled meteors. They passed over them and landed somewhere Y/n was not sure of. 

After watching the meteor things pass, Bee took the humans away from there, heading down dark and unmarked roads. The twisted and turned, taking paths that would guarantee them not to be seen by the human eye. Y/n felt Bee take a left, and he slowed down when they approached an alley way. 

It was a dark alleyway, huge enough to fit the cars that were coming towards them. Bumblebee eventually stopped and turned off his lights. Y/n unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car, staring at the pair of oncoming headlights. 

Behind them, a siren was heard. The girl whipped her head around and saw that there wasn't just one car that was approaching them, there were several. They must have all been transformers, like Bumblebee was. That would also explain the meteors they saw in the sky. 

The truck stopped short in front of them. Y/n's face was inches from the grill. She stepped back, just as it began to make clicking sounds. She eagerly watched the truck transform, every single bolt and piece molding together to give him his bipedal form. it was still amazing to see, but being up close , as close as she was to him transforming was an entirely different feeling. 

He was impressively tall, his blue optics lighting up. All around them, the other cars began to transform as well, taking on bipedal forms that were human-like. The girl inhaled sharply, feeling fascinated and impressed. She was absolutely taken aback by the peterbuilt truck, even more so when his face lowered to the ground to be closer to theirs. 

He had human features, one she could clearly make out, as if he himself was a human just like them, only he wasn't. She could clearly see his eyes, his nose shape, his jaw and his lips. Whoever created him must have taken inspiration from humans. It was hard not to have an idea of what he'd look like human. The robot's blue optics drifted from Sam, to Mikaela, and then finally to her. 

As cliche as it sounded, she felt a connection, a sudden jolt inside of her that made her take a step back. It was so intense she had half a mind to touch her chest where she felt the jolt, but decided not to, just so no one would look at her in concern. She didn't know what that was, or why she couldn't look at anyone else but him. It was as if, a piece of her was connected to him the moment they locked eyes.

 It wasn't like a soulmate connection, but a connection that one would get when they find the person they're comfortable and safe with, the intense warmth feeling in one's chest that makes someone take a deep breath to try and calm it. It was hard to describe, but she knew it made her chest fill with warmth, her heart constricting in a pleasant way. 

Unbeknownst to her, the robot was quite startled to feel the same way. The moment their eyes met, the jolt moved his spark. It was so sudden, so brief yet so intense that he could only look at her, a mix of confusion and surprise in his optics, though it was hard to tell. His expression remained the same throughout the interaction. 

He clearly wasn't expecting to feel that way either. He didn't know what it meant, even if he was a sentient being from outer space who was hundreds of years older than humans. All he knew was that at this moment, seeing the small human in front of him, he had never seen something more beautiful and precious. It was the same feeling as one would get sharing a warm blanket with someone they liked. 

A spark took place between them, like the stars were aligning specifically for them. It was breathtakingly scary to both parties involved. Optimus shook his head, concealing his surprise. Though he didn't need to breath, he still inhaled sharply, and shakily to control his nerve wires. 

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent of Captain Archibald Witwitcky?" 

His voice left Y/n absolutely shaking inside. It didn't send fear through her, but rather warmth. There was something so calming about his voice that was foreign to her. Smooth, gravelly and attractive. She was starting to think she was crazy to think such thoughts about the robot. 

"Yeah," Sam replied, giving a hesitant nod. Y/n's first thought was how they knew her cousin's name. The second thought was why they were looking for him to begin with, and the third reason was why she had taken a sudden interest in the leader robot. 

───── end of chapter ─────

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