Chapter 4

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She put white shiny earplugs in her ears. He watched as she did this. He smiled at this.

"Hi, I think my earphone fell out. What were you saying?" she asked out loud. As if she had always.

"How are you able to see me?" he whispered leaning to her left ear.

"It's funny, you know I was seeing you for weeks," her voice in a professional tone. Like proposing an idea officially to her colleagues at work. "And now I just want to repeat my question. About the legend?"

"I heard them all my life," he looked out the bus window down the country lanes of Somerset.

She couldn't believe there was another follower. It was so rare. And he was cute. She should try and get him into the group.

"So we have this group who worship them. I know it is forward" she smiled into the mic on her phone. "Would like to come?"

His brain whirled around with the request. He turned and blinked, his mouth slightly open and shut.

"I can't believe you can see me" he whispered.

"You look real" she chuckled. She scanned the bus no one was giving her looks.

"Maddie-Rose and Oliver need to come back," his voice serious, he made eye contact with her, face frozen. "We need to" then looked away.

"I'm going on a trip today. We can talk about it another time" she felt her body tense a bit.

She looked away, noticing she had to get off at some point. She looked to the side of her. She was going to get the coach back with the kids. As she turned around to the seat next to her. He wasn't there. And with that, she got off the bus. the cute guy she had noticed for months disappeared.

The children had arrived at their destination. Family members look tired and stretch their legs. She shook her head at the thought of it all. She needed a task to do.

Heather and Daisy-Sky heard a bang in the temple. Servents point to the direction in which they heard the bang. There was Chris curled up in a ball. Sobs came out of his mouth. He was just outside the library floor

"Chris love," as Heather went and touched his hair. "What happened?"

"I don't know," he sobbed, his mind between the temple and the bus. "She saw me"

"Who?" Heather moves away from him. She watches him like when he was learning to speak

"Miss Adams," wiped off a tear as he said it. The one with a dark bob.

"The one who worships us?" Daisy-Sky said. Her blond fell onto his face.

"Yes, I was in invisibility mode," he whispered. His eyes looked up to hers.

"That's a sign" Heather got up and went into the library. "I think it's in another section. We can't let her out of our sights"

Daisy-Sky then told him he should get back down there. A female servant who was there at the wrong place and wrong time was then allocated to prepare the ball. And watch Miss Adams. She nodded and left, putting the tray down. Found the gong stick and hit it. Maddie-Rose could come back. Mr Owl heard it after looking after the little chick. Mr Owl was back. A true believer could be coming home.

"Go back, and if she sees you then act normal," Heather told him as if gods could actually be normal. "Make her believe."

"It's the school trip today" he gasped, eyes widening to new thoughts deep inside his brain. "What if I make the kids believe?"

"Then do it. Blow their brains out with magic" Daisy-sky with a cackle. "Not literally."

His thoughts raced around his head. By doing that there will be true believers. Not only her class but there was the school. He jumped up and smile at his aunt. He lent in and hugged her. Whispering hope into her ear.

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