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A small, fragile girl, Hwang Yeji. Wearing barely anything, only having on a small and tight black skirt and a black-laced bra to cover herself. Standing on the stage in front of almost 50 men in the room. Being auctioned off of her body.

Yeji, 22 years old and currently living with her parents. She was jobless, she wasn't forced to get a job but she promised her parents that she would get a job this year. Her family wasn't rich but they weren't too poor either.

Lately, Yeji noticed that a group of men in black kept on meeting with her father. She couldn't help but follow them to overhear their conversation.

"Mr. Hwang, you need to pay off your debt." One of the men says while the group surrounds her father.

"I know, how much was it, again?" Her father questions.

"It was 250 million won and because you are behind, it is now 500 million won." Yeji's eyes widens. She looks at her father, she could tell that he was overworked and stressed.

"If you do not pay this off by the end of this year, we have no choice but to kill you." Mr. Hwang nods, then sighs in frustration.

Are they crazy? Where was he even going to get that much money?! My dad only runs a bakery and my mom was just an average elementary school teacher.. Yeji says to herself.

"I understand." Her father croaked.

She took this chance to run and she successfully managed to escape without getting caught. Yeji needed to find a job or help her parents get the money. She looked online, but all of the high-paying jobs needed experience.

She could only think of one solution. It wasn't the best solution, but she had to save her father from that debt.

What if I just sold my body to some rich guy? Would that work? Yeji thought.

She hears her father close the front door, "Shit."

"Dad, what happened?" She innocently asks.

"Work." He lies.

What kind of lie was that? He only runs a bakery and the bakery isn't even busy. Yeji thought.

She stops interrogating him. It fell silent.

"Yeji, honey, could you maybe find a job for us?" Her father finally lets out.

"I will," Yeji sighs, "I can't be jobless forever.."

Her father smiles and opens his arm to bring her into a hug, "You don't know how much this'll help me."

"It's okay dad, I love you."

"I love you too."

Yeji was scared, she wanted to cover up her body. But if she did that, nobody would want to buy her. She stood still and was completely stiff.

"25 million won!" A man shouts.

"Are you broke? 50 million won!" Another shouts.

"70 million won!"

"90 million won!"

BIDDED BODY | Ryeji AUWhere stories live. Discover now