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Mr. Shin is tapping the trigger of the gun in Mr. Hwang's face. Tapping lightly so that the gun wouldn't shoot.

Mr. Hwang is silent, he doesn't know what he should do. His first thought was his daughter, what she probably would have wanted.

What would she want me to do? Would she be sad if I joined the mafia gang again? But, she already knows about my past and I don't think she wishes for me to die, right?

"I'll join.." Mr. Hwang says in defeat.

"That's what I like to hear." Mr. Shin smiled before putting the gun back into his jacket pocket.

I can't believe this. Mr. Hwang thought disappointedly.

"I can't believe you would lie to me." Yeji says while holding back tears of her father's death.

"Our fathers shouldn't be coming in between us." Ryujin reasoned, still doing her work on her computer.

"But still, I trusted you." Yeji says, which made Ryujin stop typing.

"Well, haven't you heard about not trusting anyone? I mean," Ryujin paused, "you can't even trust your own father."

Yeji went silent. She only had herself to trust and Ryujin was right.

"Are you ever going to free me from this handcuff?" Yeji wondered, the cuff was starting to bother her wrists.

"Maybe," Ryujin says not giving a clear answer. Yeji was getting annoyed.

"Let's tell our daughters the wonderful news." Mr. Shin smiled. Mr. Hwang was fighting the urge to roll his eyes in front of him. He helps Mr. Hwang stand and walks up to the butler.

Mr. Hwang was still cuffed, Mr. Shin thought that he couldn't be trusted so soon.

"Where are they?" Mr. Shin asked the butler. The butler looks to Mr. Shin before giving an answer.

"If you are referring to your daughter, then she would be doing her work in her office." Mr. Kwan answered. Mr. Shin thanked the butler before he walks up the stairs with Mr. Hwang.

Mr. Shin knocks on the door.

"Come in," Mr. Shin's daughter answered.

Ryujin and Yeji were surprised to see Mr. Hwang still alive.

"Why don't you tell them the news?" Mr. Shin asks Mr. Hwang.

"I've joined the mafia gang.." He sadly says.

"Dad, are you joking?" Yeji was furious.

"Well, the only options were death or to join back.." Mr. Hwang says.

"Oh." Was all Yeji was able to let out.

"I'll be training your father, he's probably all rusted up." Mr. Shin tells Yeji before they left.

"Shocking, right?" Ryujin asks.

"What do you mean?" Yeji strikes with an attitude.

"Watch your tone." The billionaire warned. Yeji rolled her eyes at Ryujin's warning.

"Anyways, what I meant was, how your dad is still breathing right now."

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