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Yeji starts pealing the clothes off her body. She was a little embarrassed, but she did sign up to do this. She takes a breath before taking off the last clothing on her body.

At this time, Ryujin had already gotten the water warm and ready for their bath.

When Yeji had taken off all of her clothes she joins Ryujin in the jacuzzi-sized bath. She keeps a distance from Ryujin. Ryujin notices this.

"Come here, let me wash you." Ryujin ordered.

Yeji slowly goes over to Ryujin, "Sit on my lap."

Was Yeji hearing correctly?

"What?" Yeji asked to clarify what she had just heard.

"Sit on my lap. Do I need to sit you on my lap myself?" Ryujin smirked.

Yeji doesn't dare disobey. She sat herself on Ryujin's bare lap feeling a little ashamed. Ryujin pumps body-wash into her hand and starts massaging Yeji. Her hands runs up to her neck and starts rubbing.

Yeji couldn't lie, it felt really comforting and relaxing. Ryujin's hands made their way to her shoulder and starts working. Yeji, in response, leans her head back from the ten-out-of-ten massage that she was receiving.

"It feels good, huh?" Ryujin asked. Snapping Yeji out of her very relaxed state.

"Oh-, oh yeah it feels nice." Yeji says while clearing her throat.

Ryujin slides her hands down Yeji's waist, causing Yeji is shiver at her touch. She's never felt this type of way before and she kind of enjoyed it. Ryujin is sliding her hand up and down Yeji's curved-body.

"Alright, you can wash the other parts yourself." Ryujin tells her. Yeji gets off and sits across from her.

Yeji smiles at Ryujin, loving the way Ryujin had given Yeji personal space. Ryujin smiles back at Yeji, "Don't want to make you anymore uncomfortable." She chuckles.

"Thank you." Yeji blushed.

"Do you want me to wash you up too?" Yeji absentmindedly asked.

omg, did i really have the guts to ask that... Yeji shocked herself.

"I don't mind." Ryujin says, making her way towards Yeji.

Yeji spreads her legs and Ryujin sits in between. Yeji gets a handful of body-wash and starts rubbing it on Ryujin.

"Don't be afraid to touch me," Ryujin seductively says. Making Yeji gulp.

Yeji rubs her neck and shoulders at a slow but not too slow pace. Ryujin hums to let her know that she is enjoying this. Yeji's hand starts massaging Ryujin arms, which tensed at first. When Yeji kneaded her shoulder even more, Ryujin slowly relaxed.

"You're tense" Yeji tells her.

"I haven't gotten a massage in a while," Ryujin replies with a small laugh.

Yeji made her way to Ryujin's waist. Rubbing the soapy body wash on her stomach until her hands were held on. Ryujin moves Yeji's hand to her breasts, "These aren't gonna wash themselves, right?"

Yeji instantly gets red.

"I'm only joking" Ryujin chuckled leaving Yeji completely red. Ryujin turns the handle so the water goes down the drain.

"Alright, I'll be taking my leave first." Ryujin says while grabbing a towel.

Ryujin wraps the towel around her body and starts to head out. Yeji is still comprehending everything that just happened.

Yeji soon snaps out and dries herself before leaving the bathroom.

"I got clothes ready for you." Ryujin says holding the pile of clothes for Yeji. Ryujin was wearing a white shirt underneath her black blazer. With a pair of black pants that belongs with the blazer. Women in suits are so attractive.. Yeji thought.

Yeji realizes she was daydreaming and grabs the clothes from Ryujin. Yeji was handed a formal black long-sleeved shirt, which was surprisingly comfortable. She puts on the white jeans, she starts to wonder how the clothes fit perfectly.

"You're dressed so fancy." Yeji says.

"Yeah, I have work." Ryujin sighed, "I won't be seeing you until 5pm."

Yeji was a little bummed as she wanted to spend the day with Ryujin.

Ryujin wasn't going to be at home with her for 7 more hours.

"Unless, I bring you with me. Would you like to come with me?" Ryujin asked, Yeji felt like her mind was being read.

"I'd like to come." Yeji smiled.

She wanted to see how the billionaire worked. Hard-working people are very pretty. Yeji thought to herself.

"Lets go eat our breakfast," Ryujin gently takes Yeji's hand into hers.

After Ryujin and Yeji finishes their meal, they head out and a limousine was waiting outside. Yeji was excited, she had always wanted to ride in one of these.

The driver gets out of the car after spotting the billionaire. Ryujin hands the driver cash, the driver takes it and puts it into his pocket. Before walking to one of the doors to open it for them. Ryujin looks at Yeji.

"Ladies first." Ryujin joked to which Yeji responded with a laugh before getting inside the vehicle. Ryujin enters in after her.

"Please head to the Shin Building." Ryujin politely asks the driver. The driver nods.

Ryujin opens her phone to open the closed gates. Ryujin shuts the gap that let the driver hear the passengers.

"This is so cool," Yeji awed.

"I'm glad you like it."

Once they have reached their destination, Ryujin steps out of the car and holds out a hand for Yeji. Which Yeji grabs to get out of the car safely.

Yeji's eyes slowly worked their eay up to the tall building. This had to be at least 200 feet tall.. Yeji thought.

Ryujin holds Yeji's hand and walks into the building. The rooms inside were very clean and neat. They walked their way to the elevator, which had 10 buttons of floors.

Ryujin presses the button to the tenth floor.

"My office is up at the top." Ryujin says, breaking the silence.

"Is it also as big as my house?" Yeji joked.

Ryujin laughs, they have reached the tenth floor. A man that Yeji recognizes is outside the elevator waiting for Ryujin.

Wait, thats my ex who cheated on me 3 years ago.. Yeji thought.

a/n: im gonna try to be updating everyday.

BIDDED BODY | Ryeji AUWhere stories live. Discover now