Chapter 5

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-Authors Note- So so sorry for not updating I feel so all honesty I was being a lazy bum lol :)

I wanna give a shout out to LittleMissStyles99 she is such a great writer and she is a great supporter of this book. Please go check out her fanfic "Little Things" it's amazayn and funny and romantic :) now without further adu chapter 5...


~Lilly~ head...where am I? I stand in an empty room with fog surrounding me. There's literally nothing here.

It looks as of the room is so large that if I try and walk to the end of it, I'll just keep walking in limbo.

"I need 5 CC's of blood stat!" Yelled an unfamiliar voice.

I could vaguely see people walking quickly with a gurney by their sides. I walked closer to the moving picture before me, squinting my eyes so that I could make it out.

I could now make out five doctors on either side of the gurney, and a small girl lying on it uconsious. Her skin was so pale...and her clothes were covered in blood. One of the doctors was putting a needle in her arm that looked like it would transfer blood into it.

With each passing second the picture became clearer. I could now make out the girls features. She had long black hair and pink plump lips that were now dull and colorless. My eyes widened in shock. That was me...I'm on the gurney. That means...I'm..dead.

It was then that I noticed my clothes. I no longer wore a band tshirt and jeans. I had on a white knee length dress and no shoes. My hair was curly and the rainbow of streaks I had had in it were gone.

"Hello Lillian." Said a soft female voice. I turned quickly as I recognized the voice. "Granny!" I cried hugging her tightly. She she chuckled and pulled away smiling. "Hello look so beautiful." She said. "I've missed you very much." "I missed you too Granny...ever since you died I've been all alone..." I trailed off sobbing. "No no dear, you're not ment to be crying." She smiled wiping my tears with her old wrinkled hand. "You're never alone as long as I'm watching over you." I smiled brightly at her.

"Granny...what's going to happen to me?" I asked as I heard another doctor from behind. " have a choice to make." Granny said becoming serious. "You can either come with me...or you can wake up and live." She said squeezing my hand while putting extra emphases on "live".

I looked back at my fragile body lying limply on the hospital bed the doctors put me on. Three faces came to my mind. Dez. What would he do if I were gone? He loves me so much that it hurts him. Surly he wouldn't think it's his own fault. If he did...he would want to punish going back to dad...oh God Dez.

And then Zayn. His charming flirty personality I would surly miss. His beautiful voice I sometime hear singing in the shower. And how he brings butterflies to my stomach every time he smiles at me.

Then...Niall. I sigh as I think of his name. He was so good to me, and I believe he truly cares about me. How could someone pick up a random stranger and bring them into their home? Niall would I guess. I would miss him so much. His beautiful blue orbs that would pierce into my soul. His lovely Irish accent. His gentle touch when he caresses me as I hug him. The way he lights up the whole room with his up best personality. And his laugh. Oh every time he laughed or smiled I would get this fuzzy feeling in my stomach. As if it were doing backflips.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Granny pulled my hand. "Love...have you made your decision?" I closed my eyes pondering what to do. Surly the answer is in there somewhere. As my eyes are closed I can feel and hear everything that's happening in the real world. It's all so clear. "We're losing her!" A doctor yells. I feel a sharp prick in my hand as the doctor sticks the IV in. Beeping sounded in the room and it pierced my ears. "Quick charge up the paddles!" The beeping becomes faster then flat lines. I feel my breath hitch in my throat.

I grab my throat trying to breath. My heart is beating uncontrollably fast. I try so hard to open my eyes so that I can escape this agonizing pain. My eyes snap open as I let out a choke of breath. Gasping as I try and calm myself I feel my feet moving. I look at mine and Granny's intertwined hands as she pulles me father away from the picture. I dig my heels into the ground as to stop walking. Granny faces me with a confused look.

"I can't go." I whisper but I'm sure she heard. " Lillian." She says passionately squeezing my hand. I smile at her with tears in my eyes. "Do what I never got" She whispered as I walked away.

I closed my eyes as I jumped through the picture.

My eyes snapped open and I gasped for air. Pulling at my bed sheets my eyes darted across the room. I felt a tube up my nose and down my throat which I did not enjoy. I saw two sleeping figures next to me on a couch. Niall and Zayn. I relaxed a little seeing them. But I still didn't know where the hell I was.

A man came in with a long white coat. "Ah...glad to see you're awake." The man said. "You gave us quite a scare. We thought you wouldn't make it." I frowned in confusion but soon it all came back to me. The cutting, seeing Granny and choosing to live.

I coughed dryly trying to find my voice. "c-could you please take..this out?" I asked in a horse voice referring to the tube in my node. "Umm, of seem to be breathing fine on your own." He said. The doctor told me to wait as a nurse would help me.

I looked over at Niall and Zayn's sleeping figures. They both held friend on their sleeping faces. Their eyes had bags and dark circles telling me that they haven't gotten much sleep. Which brings a question to my mind. How long have I been out?


My eyes fluttered open and I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw Lilly was awake. "Lilly?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled sadly. Her face was so pale and her body was so thin. From the blood loss I guess. Her once pink plump lips were dry and chapped forming a straight line. I felt horrible. I should have watched her closer. I knew she was depressed and I knew she was keeping secrets.

One month. One moth Lilly had been in a coma. The doctor said that they didn't know if she would wake up or not. I sat by her side day and night. Never leaving except for to go to the loo or to eat.

I had to stay by her side to make sure she wasn't alone when she woke. I skipped concert rehearsals, I skipped interviews and I never showed up for recording with the lads. I just couldn't get her out of my head. How was I supposed to do those things without worrying about her?

The lads said I was pushing them away. They said I was building a box.around myself and never stepping out of it. That I had become distant and gloomy. That I wasn't my usual peppy self. But I didn't care. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Lilly's voice.

"Niall...I'm so sorry for what I did." She croked sobbing. I quickly day next to her on the bed pulling her in my embrace. "'s alright...I'm not mad." I cooed as I rubbed circles on her back. "'re so good to me." She,whispered in my chest. I smiled at her words. "Please don't give up on me." I hugged her tighter as I spoke. "I'll never let anything happen to you again."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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