Additional info: Y/N's origins

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While we wait for the results of the ongoing vote, we will take a look at our guy's background.

Here we go.

A. Birth/Creation:

Y/N was created as part of a top-secret project, which aimed at creating a pool of supersoldiers who could then be interspersed among the regular military units.

The project would enjoy a lot of success in this regard as the artificially created soldiers tended to have superior physical capabilities to their normal counterparts.

In addition, the physical, mental and psychological growth of these soldiers was quickly accelerated via secret improvements that had been made in the realm of advanced bio-engineering. Intense basic training would also be imparted upon the soldiers around this time, with a strong emphasis on overall adaptability and combat resilience.

In order to enable each individual supersoldier to fit in more easily with the other 'un-augmented' soldiers, the project also required them to have a fake personal history. In Y/N's case, he was made to believe that he was the last surviving grandson of a old Spetsnaz veteran from the Soviet-Afghan War (1979-89) and that his family had died out, which led to him being adopted into the SGB.

B. Augmentations:

In order to help boost the capabilities of all their artificial human soldiers even further, the Russian High Command then authorized an advanced augmentation program.

The augmentations were both chemical and highly surgical in nature, and would be carried out over a period of 7 years, alongside an intense training program which would also see them undertake even further training in technical and administrative aspects.

C. Service record:

Y/N was created within 5 months and then saw his growth being accelerated within 3 years. He would undertake the 7-year augmentation and training program, after which time he was to be handpicked for the elite 56th Airborne by Colonel Kurochnik himself and serve in that unit up until when he would be accidentally sent into the world of GuP.

During his service term in WW3, Y/N would see action in various war theatres such as Europe, North America, Central Asia and the Middle East. As Russia made several key gains and the war shifted in her favor, Y/N and his unit would then be sent on even more dangerous missions. In fact, he played a crucial role in the war as Russia emerged victorious over her foes in the conflict.

(In this story, WW3 was a much larger event and saw the involvement of other countries such as China, Iran, Argentina and Brazil among others. It was larger and more widespread than is seen in canon Endwar games and books. Russia would then emerge as the one dominant world power.)

Even within his unit, Y/N quickly developed quite the reputation for his efficient ruthlessness on the field, which earned him several highly prestigious decorations such as the 'Hero of the Russian Federation'.

In fact, he would quickly rise up the ranks and was soon made a Captain just before the end of WW3. By that time, he'd fought under all sorts of battlefield conditions and was thus familiarized with various climates and terrain types.

In addition to this, Y/N was given a Volkosoby wolfdog as a reward of recognition for his own efforts during WW3. He decided to name the Volkosoby 'Chitzkoi'.

(What Chitzkoi looks like; but slightly more buffed

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(What Chitzkoi looks like; but slightly more buffed.)

Due to his lifestyle and history, Y/N is basically a grown man with the constantly growing body of a late teenager.

(A/N: This is short as hell, because I wrote the draft during class. Please don't mind that bit, guys. Plus, I feel that any additions which have been made here were necessary.)

That'll be all for today, guys. I'll see you all at the next one. Peace out!!

(P.S: I will still make some changes here and there, so please be prepared for some unexpected ones.)

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