Vote results:

197 1 1

After having a look at the votes that have come in (counting the number of people who have actually commented on each tank design), the Apocalypse Tank wins and by a fairly big margin at that.

As promised, Y/N will now use that as his own personal tank and as a personalised touch, it will have the writing (in Russian) on both of the gun barrels: 'Prepare for trouble and make it double!'

(Please give our friend, @PanzerVAusfA, a round of silent applause for the suggestion. Thanks a lot for the idea, buddy.)

In addition to this, (just for fun) the tank can also be shrunk into a capsule form after pressing a hidden button inside the turret (near the cupola). Obviously, Y/N will stand outside and press the button so as to shrink it.
After about 10 seconds, the tank will shrink into it's capsule form (which also helps with making it a lot more mobile). We'll also name the tank as 'Baba Yaga' or 'the Boogeyman' (written in Russian, on the turret).

(Yes, this idea has been heavily inspired by that found in the Dragonball series. In this AU, all the technology developed at a much faster pace than what is seen in canon.)

Additionally, everything related to the tank's capabilities (such as it's protection, mobility and firepower) has also been greatly improved upon from the base design so that it would simply just steamroll its way right through any kind of opposition that it may face at any time.

(A/N: While Y/N will use his tank to take part in Sensha-do practice, it will be quite rare since he will prefer the infantry role more. Regardless, he will still keep it just in case he has to really take part, i.e, only when it is requested or required of him to actually do so.)

Anyways, that'll be all for today and I'll be seeing you guys at the next one. Peace out!!

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