Chapter 1

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(A/N: Guys, I'm finally back at this book again. Sorry for the delay in updates. Please don't mind it, but I'm starting to get my thread back. Hopefully, it lasts longer this time around. Anyways, let's continue.)

Over the course of a few weeks following Y/N's arrival, focus gradually shifted towards Pravda due to the fact that he was now staying there.

In fact, even the Russian government got wind of his arrival and formally inducted him into the GRU Spetsnaz as an honorary member of the unit's Alpha formation.

(Honorary because Y/N is technically still an active member of the SGB. He isn't aware that he'd now been listed as MIA.)

Meanwhile, the Pravda students soon found themselves under a strict but fair eye in assessing overall performance in both academics and club activities. Y/N, as a disciplinary instructor, soon gained a reputation for being somewhat lenient towards students who were struggling but still encouraging them to always try their best. As a result, Pravda's overall school atmosphere quickly became livelier and more competitive.

During his off-time, Y/N would take Chitzkoi along with him, to go and conduct their training regimen within the school grounds. Such a regimen consisted of long-distance endurance jogs, obstacle clearing and CQB training. Some of the girls would get wind of this, however, and try to sneak out of classes in order to see for themselves. Whenever any of them were caught, usually by Y/N himself, they would be sent back with a light disciplinary warning.

One weekend, Nonna and Klara decided to take both Katyusha and Nina to go see a movie. It was just after school hours, and it so happened that Y/N was off-duty along with Chitzkoi. He'd just stepped out from the reception office at that exact moment, having just finished with some paperwork and was also wearing his desk duty uniform. Chitzkoi was waiting for him outside.

Nonna *with a somewhat nervous tone*: "Y-Y/N! D-Do you mind if you could come along with me, Katyusha and Nina? We'd planned on going to see a movie. Interested?"

Y/N: "Sure. I'd just finished with paperwork anyway. *snapped his fingers towards Chitzkoi, calling him* Let's go."

With that, all five (along with Chitzkoi) headed for the nearby cinema hall.

At the cinema, Y/N paid for all their snacks and tickets. In fact, while they were getting the snacks, some folk even mistook them for a family: with Y/N as the Dad, Nonna and Klara as the Moms, and Katyusha and Nina as their two daughters.

Y/N overheard this and raised his right eyebrow slightly, being somewhat amused. Both Nonna and Klara pretended to have not overheard the comments, though they both had a visible blush on both of their faces. Meanwhile, Katyusha and Nina were silently protesting against the idea in their thoughts.

Inside the hall, after getting the snacks, the girls went to their seats first and then followed by Y/N and Chitzkoi. Chitzkoi got bored rather quickly, so he just slept through to the end of the movie. Meanwhile, Y/N was silently watching the whole movie.

(Timeskip, to right after the movie had ended)

Katyusha and Nina had fallen asleep just before the movie ended. Right after that, Chitzkoi then got up and gently nuzzled into the both of them, waking them up.

Y/N: "Time to head back, girls. Let's go."

Y/N then picked up the both of them in his arms and slowly walked out of the hall, with Nonna and Klara as well as Chitzkoi following right behind.

On their way back to the girls' dorms, a couple of drunks stumbled upon them and then started to cause a ruckus, making unwanted advances toward Nonna and Klara. Seeing the trouble that the drunks were giving, Y/N gently put down both Katyusha and Nina before then silently making his way toward them. He'd also told them beforehand to shut their eyes and cover their ears. Chitzkoi stayed back with them.

Suddenly, one of the drunks tried to grab Klara by the arm but then immediately found himself being hurled toward a lamp post. He hit his head and was knocked out. His buddy then pulled a knife and tried to attack Y/N from behind. However, he too was immediately hurled toward the same lamp post and subsequently knocked out as well.

(Remember that scene in the movie, Terminator 2, where the asylum guards were just hurled around by the T-800? This bit was inspired by that particular scene.)

Nonna *slightly shaken up*: "Y-Y/N, y-you didn't have to do to that, you know?"

Y/N *nonchalantly*: "When some drunks start harassing girls, do you really expect me to just sit back and watch silently? No, right? There's your answer."

Y/N then turned back toward Katyusha and Nina, and gently patted them to let them know that they could open up now. When they did, they were shocked to see just how completely knocked both the drunks were.

Right after, all five (along with Chitzkoi) headed back to dorms. Here, Y/N dropped off the girls before headed to his own private room near the reception area.

(Because Pravda didn't have time to make some proper residential arrangements for Y/N, he's had to make use of the old records room for the time being. Chitzkoi also sleeps in the same room.)

After changing his clothes, Y/N did a bit of light reading and then promptly went to bed.

(I'll have to end it here, guys. See you all at the next one. Also, please don't mind if it's a bit short. I wrote this in the middle of the night.)

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