Prologue: Arrival

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WW3 quickly broke out following 'terrorist' attacks across the world, with various countries blaming each other for having provided aid to the perpetrators. The terrorists even called themselves as 'The Forgotten Army' and the most infamous of their attacks took place at an energy plant near Minsk (Russia), at the JFK Space Center near Miami (the United States) and at an energy plant near Rosenberg (Europe).

(What the stage was like at the onset.)

(When the war broke out; immediate cause.)

Over the course of the war, Russia gained the most and had emerged as the new dominant world power. The United States, the European Federation, Iran and several other nations were gone/conquered as a result of the war.

(When the war ended.)

Shortly after the war had ended, insurgencies took place in all of the areas occupied by the Russians. As a result, additional Russian forces were brought in and deployed in order to quickly deal with them.

(Here, just pretend that the Helghast are the Russians and that the ISA are the insurgents.)

In a remarkably short campaign, Russian forces ruthlessly crushed all of the insurgent groups and secured all the gains from the war. By that time, Russia gained all of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and around half of North America. This victory paved the way for the consolidation of Russian control as well for the stronger Russification of all the conquered areas.

President Kapalkin of Russia celebrated the Victory Day parade as a mark of respect for all who fought in the war, both Russian soldiers and their opponents.

(Pretend that this is the Victory Day parade right after the war, with SGB soldiers also present and wearing their SDUs.)

Fast forward to the present day (somewhere in the Tian Shan range):

Russia soon started to invest in developing new technologies that could help them win any war as well as to predict the outcome of engagements before they even started. These efforts were part of a larger project called 'Archangel', which led to the early development of time-machines that could send people both to the past and to the future.

Of course, the project was under substantial skepticism from the top administration, mainly in regards to its feasibility.
And in order to help ease concerns, secret tests were conducted to prove the project's feasibility.

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