Chapter Eleven

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Summer 1990

After Jax put his hands on me I planned to never talk to him again, I understand he was upset but we could have handle this differently

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After Jax put his hands on me I planned to never talk to him again, I understand he was upset but we could have handle this differently.

Mo said I could stay at her place as long as I wanted too but I had to go back home eventually & fix this with my brother my mom thought I had been staying with Mariah so we were all good & my bruise went away luckily.

Things with Mo could be better just because she has her own life & I know leaving her husband is going to be hard for her so I don't push the issue plus Jax would literally kill me if he knew we were still seeing each other beside Lorenzo is trying to call a truce between them & I don't need anymore problems.

"You sure you want to go back home?" Mo asked as we sat at the corner by my house, I didn't want Jax seeing her car.

"Yeah I have too eventually" I said sighing

"Well you could have stayed at my place" She said turning toward me.

"But I need to fix my problems with Jax, we can't hide out forever Mo"

She sighed, "What if we just left & started over"

"Mo we can't do that look maybe we should let everything die off for a while plus you have your own life to figure out." I told her.

"What are you trying to say?" She asked confused

I sighed, "Nothing I will call you later ok" I said & she nodded before leaning over kissing my lips.

"I love you" She whispered moving back.

"I love you too" I said with a small smile.

I exited her car & started walking toward the house, I arrived home & walked inside seeing nobody.

"Mom" I called but no answer, she must have been at work with Theresa.

I went into my room & unpacked everything before sitting on my bed thinking about how things were going to go once Jax got home I didn't want to deal with his shit right now.

Just then the phone started ringing, I picked it up on the third ring.

"Hello" I said

"Jan! Where the hell have you been?" Mariah asked loudly.

"Calm down I am fine ok, I just needed some time away"

"Well you could have called me, Jax & your mom has been so worried"

"Wait did you tell them anything?" I asked concerned

"No I covered for you but Jax knows you weren't here he came over."

I cursed lowly, "Shit.."

"Look Jan this situation has became very serious, Jax was so pissed about the whole thing" she said

"He smacked me Riah what was I suppose to do?"

"I told you not get with that woman you know who she is & what she does."

I sighed, "Mariah I know ok, I just can't let her go that easy you are suppose to be my best friend why are you judging me?" I asked

"Because Janet I don't want to see you get her Lorenzo Tejada is not the nigga to fuck with when he finds out he will stop at nothing to hurt you."

"Janet you home?" I heard from the other room.

"Oh shit my mom's home I gotta go" I said hanging up the phone on my best friend.

I stood from bed & walked into the living room seeing my mom sitting down on the couch taking off her shoes.

I stood from bed & walked into the living room seeing my mom sitting down on the couch taking off her shoes

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"Hey mom" I said nervously

"Don't hey mom me Janet you have been gone for days I was so worried about you so was Jax."

"Mom I just needed sometime away plus Riah needed me."

"Janet I know you all too well what is really going on?" She asked.

I sighed sitting down next to her, "Nothing mom"

"Janet Damita, do I look stupid too you?" She asked

"No ma'am" I said

"So tell me what's going on?" She asked again.

I looked down not knowing how to tell her everything that has been going on.

Just then the door opened & Jax came in with Trey his friend behind him.

"Sup Ma" He said to my mom & just stared at me

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"Sup Ma" He said to my mom & just stared at me.

"Hello Ms. Banks, Sup Jan" Trey said sitting on the other couch.

"Trey.." My mom said.

"I am going to get out these work clothes Janet we will talk later." She said causing me to nod, she got up going in her room.

"So you decided to come back home?" Jax asked sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Yeah I needed too." I said.

"Look Jax I am going to let you & Janet talk page me later." Trey said standing up saying bye then left.

"Janet... I am sorry for hitting you" He said

"It's ok" I lied.

"You still seeing her?" He asked

"Why does that matter?" I asked

"Because Jan you know she is Lorenzo's wife what if she is setting you up?"

I never thought about it like that, "She's not"

"How do you know?" I sighed

"Because I do alright don't I deserve to be happy Jax?"

"Yes but not with that woman, look I am sorry again for hitting you but my point still stands you need to let her go."

Maybe Mo was setting me up & didn't really love me but my heart is telling me she loves me & wants to be with me.

"Look I am not fighting with you about this let's move on" I said & stood up walking in my room closing the door & leaned against it I just wish this shit would end.

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