Chapter Fourteen

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Summer 1990

I knocked on Vivian's door for the third time today, I knew she was still upset about what happened between us the other day, I wanted us to talk about it

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I knocked on Vivian's door for the third time today, I knew she was still upset about what happened between us the other day, I wanted us to talk about it.

"Viv I know your in there open the damn door, look I am sorry ok please open the door so we can talk" I said

Just then the door opened & My best friend stood there with her arms crossed her chest.

"What do you want Monique?" She asked

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"What do you want Monique?" She asked

"Can I come in?" I questioned

She sighed moving aside letting me come in, I walked into the living room sitting down on the couch nervously.

"Now what do you want?" She asked sitting across from me clearly upset.

"We need to talk about what happened the other day Viv." I told her

"Look it was a mistake I am sorry are we done?" She asked getting annoyed

"No Vivian's that's not it  why did you kiss me?" I asked

She sighed looking away from me not knowing what to say.

"Mo, When we met in school I knew you like boys so I didn't make a move on you hell I tried to convince myself that I liked boys, but after seeing how much Lorenzo put you through & how much he hurt you when he went to jail I knew I could be that person that you needed to love & protect you."

"Then When you told me about that girl Janet I thought maybe I had a chance because you liked women but you fell in love with her so I moved on thinking that my love for you would go away but honestly... it  never went away when I told you about Angela I just wanted to see how you would react, I just didn't want to ruin our friendship."

By now she had a tear come down her face, Hearing her say these things to me I never knew she felt this way about me & honestly I don't know how to take it.

"Say something." She said looking at me

"I don't know what to say Viv." I told her

"What did I expect" She said scoffing.

"Look I don't expect you to say you love me too & want to be with me so let's just cut this short" She said standing up walking toward the door with me following her.

I don't know what took over me but I grabbed her hand turning her around pulling her into me.

We locked eyes & our lips were inches apart, "I'm sorry, I don't know what I want."

I looked between her eyes & her lips wanting to feel her lips on mine again.

Just then my pager beeped, She backed away from me as I pulled the pager out seeing Janet paged me 911.

"Shit I gotta go" I said

Vivian opened the door, "Viv can we talk later?"

"I dont know Monique" She said

I went to kiss her but she moved away, I gave a sadden look before leaving her house rushing over to Janet's at this point I didn't care who saw me because this shit needed to end.

I pulled up to see Jax sitting on the porch with a bottle of beer in his hand.

I jumped out the car going up the steps, "The fuck you doing here?"

"Look I came to check on Janet she paged me 911."

"I dont give a fuck what she paged you get the fuck off my porch" He said taking his gun out.

"Do you really think I am scared of that, I have seen plenty of those." I told him.

"But the difference is I will use mine" He said cocking it.

"What the hell is going on?" Janet asked coming outside

"Janet are you ok?" I asked getting her attention.

"I am fine, I shouldn't have paged you" She said

I tried to walk closer to her but she moved back, "What happened?"

"Nothing Monique you need to leave."

"But I was worried about you & this is how you treat me."

"We can't be together anymore this was a mistake." She said getting upset.

"A mistake?" I questioned holding my tears back.

"Yes now please leave I don't want nothing else to do with you" She said

"You can't be serious."

"She is now you have one or two options either leave quietly & tell that nigga of yours to chill or I can just end it right now" He said moving the gun up.

I looked at Janet once more shaking my head, "Fuck you Janet"

I walked away getting in my car pulling off so pissed off.

I went home throwing my stuff down crying hysterically, I never been so distraught in my life.

After I stopped crying I took a long shower then laid in the bed thinking about what my next move & I knew what I wanted to do.

I pulled up to my bestie's house & got out knocking on the door.

She opened the door confused with her pajama's on & her hair tied up.

"Monique what are you doing here?" She asked as I walked past her not saying anything.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" She asked

"I dont wanna hear anything you gotta say you need to get naked."

"Excuse me" She said

I pushed her against the wall, "you heard what I said"

I kissed her lips roughly, "Get naked"

"Mo, what has gotten into you?" She asked moving back from me.

"You, now get naked" I said.

"This is not a good idea." She said walking toward her room.

"Yes this is a very good idea" I said turning her around connecting our lips together again.

This time she didn't move from me, I moved closer to her bed & I pushed her back on it staring at her seductively.

I knew this was wrong but honestly I needed this.

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