Chapter Sixteen

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Summer 1990

"You sure you want to go back home?" Vivian asked me as I buttoned up my pants on the side of the bed

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"You sure you want to go back home?" Vivian asked me as I buttoned up my pants on the side of the bed.

"Yeah I have too deal with this bullshit." I said.

"Well once you get done.." She trailed coming up behind me moving my hair to the side & started kissing on my neck.

"Why don't you come back for a candlelight dinner & a nice deep tissue massage."

"Hmm that sounds good" I said moaning softly at her attacking my neck.

"Did you end things with Angela?" I asked

"Umm yeah that's didn't go too well" She said moving taking a deep breath.

"I didn't expect it too" I said standing up putting on my shirt.

"Mo Can I ask you something?" Viv asked looking at me with a uncertain facial expression.


"Do you ever plan on leaving Lorenzo?" She asked causing me to look at her.

I didn't answer I just started grabbing my stuff, "Seriously Monique."

"What Vivian?" I questioned annoyed

"Why am I not surprised your never going to leave him you wouldn't do it for Janet so I definitely wouldn't expect you to do it for me." She said getting getting off the bed putting her robe on tying it up.

"Don't bring her up look we can talk about this later" I said putting on my shoes & walked out the room.

"Mo!" Vivian called my name following me down to the front door.

"What?" I asked turning back toward her.

She went to say something but didn't, "Dont forget about later"

"Alright" I said leaning over kissing her lips.

"Don't be mad ok" I said.

"Fine" She said against my lips.

I pecked her lips a few times before leaving out.

I got in my car hearing my pager going off repeatedly.

I pulled it out looking at it, "Damn it" I said starting my car & headed toward the trap.

I walked in confused, "What the fuck is going on?" I asked Lorenzo walking in his office.

"Why do you keep paging me?" I asked

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"Why do you keep paging me?" I asked

"Where you been?" He asked smoking a cigar.

"I was with Viv you know that"

"Why you spending so much more time with her?"

Good lie think of a good lie, "She broke up with her girlfriend I had to be there for her."

"You sure you wasn't with Janet?"

"Janet?" I asked getting nervous how the fuck did he know about this.

"What are you talking about Lorenzo?" I asked.

He stood from his chair & came around causing me to back up a bit.

"You think I am fucking stupid!" He screamed

"No" I said with fear in my eyes.

"You fucking that bitch ain't you?" He asked

I looked down but Lorenzo grabbed my throat causing me to gasp for air.

"Are you fucking her?"

"Lorenzo" I struggled to get out his grasp

"Answer me!"

He squeezed a little tighter, "Yes" I nodded.

"After every fucking thing I did for you! You go & fuck a bitch"

"Lorenzo stop" I said with tears in my eyes feeling light headed.

I saw the pain & hurt in his eyes, he finally let me go & I fell to the floor grasping for air.

I coughed harshly, "Get up" Lorenzo said

"You almost killed me" I told him

"I should fucking kill  you bitch now get up!" He yelled pulling me by my hair.

"Now this is what's going to happen, I sent some goons out to kill that bitch of yours but they missed & got her friend." He said my mind immediately going to Janet & how she was doing.

"So your going to kill her" He said


"Bitch you heard me your going to finish this shit once & for all you wanted to be in the business now you are."

I cried knowing I didn't want to do this,"Now get the fuck out of here & go home stay there until I get there" He said letting me go.

I looked at the man I once thought would be my forever, He was no longer there & to think I really thought he wouldn't find out.

I went home pacing back & forth thinking what should I do.

Then something came to my mind, I went over to the phone & dialed the last number I ever wanted to dial.

"Hello" I heard someone say on the other side of the phone.

"It's me" I said wiping my tears.


"Yeah, it's me I need a favor" I said

"Lorenzo huh?" The person asked

"Yeah but it's much more to the story this time" I said

They chuckled deeply, "I told you that nigga wasn't shit but of course you didn't listen."

"Please I dont need to hear that right now I just need your help"

"What do you need me to do?" I asked

After everything Lorenzo put me through there was only one way to get rid of him, "I need you to help me kill his ass"

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