(A/N): Hello there,
I am terribly sorry for the delay in getting this chapter uploaded but as I've stated before my other book is my main focus at the moment.
However I wanted to finish book 1 of The Legend of Korra so here is that chapter. I have no idea when I'll get around to starting book 2 but I hope to do so soon.
Thanks for all your support as always and I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have.
3rd Person POV:
Very few rays of sunlight made their way down to the undercity. The past weeks went by increasingly slowly. Team Avatar went up to the city in shifts, scouting the Equalist positions with captured uniforms.
Korra absolutely hated hiding. She wanted nothing more than to rush up into the street and "knock some heads" in her words. It took a lot of convincing to keep Korra in line and to stick to the plan.
Mako and Bolin were used to living on the street, not that it made it any easier. They did their best to help the others adjust, finding food wherever they could and building shelters that could withstand the cold temperatures of the night.
Asami was struggling to say the least. The food often didn't agree with her stomach and she ended up sneaking out with Koza multiple times. The pair would make their way up to the city where they would break into small stores to find food, leaving whatever amount of money they could spare which often wasn't much.
They were almost caught several times, despite taking advantage of Koza's shadow travel to hit stores all across the city.
The shadowbender was just as desperate as Korra to get back at the Equalist but showed restraint and kept his emotions in check the best he could.
It was clear to everyone that Hiroshi was closing in. Koza considered it a miracle that he hasn't discovered their location but he knew their luck wouldn't last much longer.
Every night he and Asami snuck out into the city they could notice the increase in Equalist patrols. They also noticed the patrols circling above the undercity, they concluded that if the Equalist didn't know they were there, they would soon.
Koza was currently sitting on an old wooden chair with Maska laying beside him. The shadowbender was watching different families from the undercity community line up for what little food there was. The cold had gotten almost unbearable, and the tents froze almost every night if someone didn't stay up and tend to the fire.
Asami spent most of her days fixing the radio with one of the crazy homeless guys that Bolin was quite fond of. She used Bolin to distract them man long enough for her to get some work done and then sent Koza out to get any parts they needed.
Asami: "I should have this finished by tonight."
Koza: "Good. We need to know when General Iroh will be arriving. He'll need our help to soften up the Equalist defenses."
Asami: "Have Korra and Mako made it back yet?"
Koza: "No, they said they were going to attend your fathers speech at City Hall, see if he reveals anything useful."
Asami: "I doubt it. He's too smart for that. The speech will just be political crap."
Asami cursed as she banged her hand on the radio while working on a small circuit. Koza smiled and was about to laugh when Asami cut him off.
The Legend of Korra: Male OC x Asami
FanficKoza has no family, or so he thinks. The young man has a style of bending completely foreign to the world and thinks himself a monster for possessing it. Koza has the unique gift of shadowbending. Follow Koza as he joins the new team avatar, helps...