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I had to reach up on my tippy toes to turn the handle to the washroom, things were starting to look gigantic to me. I walked in and saw a bunch of potties against the wall, and a regular-sized toilet that I walked up to. I had a moment of panic when I saw how high it was, or I guess how small I was, that I wouldn't be able to climb up on it! The top of the bowl was at my waist! I pulled a nearby stool over to help me up, and climbed on top of it. Perfect, this would work!

I took my pants off and began to pull my underwear down when something strange hit me. Oh no. These aren't underwear. These are pull ups! I looked down in horror at the training pants I was wearing, and I don't know why but I poked them. They crinkled! I've become so young I can't even go to the bathroom properly anymore!

The door opened and Gemma poked her head inside,

"Hi Kinley, oh sweetie it looked like you needed some help. That's the adult potty! It's way too big for you! Let's get you over to the big girl potty instead."

She walked over to me and reached out to grab my hand

"But I'm a big giwl, I can use da big giwl potty!" I tried to focus on speaking properly, but it sounded like I had a little lisp! I can't even pretend to be a big girl anymore when I'm too small to use the toilet, in pull ups, and can't even say my r's. I reluctantly gave up and grabbed her hand as she helped me step down off the stool and led me to one of the potties.

"That's my big girl! Now pull down your big girl underwear and sit on the potty" she coaxed me on.

This was so embarrassing, Gemma and I used to talk about boys and school, and now here she is towering over me and helping me use the bathroom because I clearly can't go by myself!

I pulled my pull ups down and sat on the potty, and began to relieve myself. Maybe this was the right choice after all, I was the perfect size for the potty.

Once I finished, Gemma wiped me and helped me get my pull ups and pants back on, and walked me over to the sink to wash my hands.

"What a big girl Kinley! Going to the potty all by yourself!" she cooed and led me back out to the play room by the hand.

As I walked back to where the blocks were I realized I was no longer taller than everyone, there were some kids who were taller than me now and out of training pants. There were some my height, but thankfully still a lot more younger ones who were still in diapers. As I walked I noticed a slight difference in my walk, some bulk between my legs and the crinkling that came along with it. Maybe I wasn't so different than the younger ones after all, but I'm still not pooping myself yet, so I still have that advantage. But other than me still having my mind, I was just like any other kid in daycare.

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