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    "Choosey lover boy, I'm so proud of ya. I'm so glad you chose me, baby and I'll make you so happy." Today they — they as in Imani and Devanté were finishing up with recording 'Choosey Lover (Old School/New School)'. After the label asked the Isley Brothers for permission to remake their song and add a little bit of flavor to it, it was approved and Imani couldn't be even happier.

The remake itself was a little long but that's how Imani wanted it as she had an idea of the song having a smooth buttery tone in the beginning and then transitioning into the more hip-hop side. Kind of like an introduction to R&B and Hip-Hop smoothed together.

It's been a couple of days after the whole thing with Sean and on his side he's been remaining respectful and professional which is something she gladly appreciated but didn't dwell too much on the fact since she has been busy in the studio.

Imani and DeVanté were working on the very few little tracks that were needed to get done and it was only then that she realized how much work they'd done so far.

"Thought I had a lover but I was kidding myself, baby, by the time I learned about it he was sleepin' with someone else baby, baby, baby." The song itself — well Imani's version that was rewritten just a little in an hour was about a lover who's selective or picky and takes much thought and effort into choosing their significant other. With that being the theme for the song, she made sure to sing it in a way that'll have those who are listening able to relate.

DeVanté watched her from behind the soundboard, the rhythmic tune causing him to move his head along it. Imani had a beautiful voice and a personality to go along with it and even though he was trying to ignore it, there was no denying that there was a connection between the two.

Having spent the majority together in the studio, they were bound to end up connecting on a deeper level that isn't them being label mates. They both had similar music tastes both being fans of Al Green, both grew up in religious backgrounds, and the one thing that can connect people with ease... music.

The way she practically glowed whenever she talked about something special to her or about a song she liked was one of the few things he was starting to notice about her. What made him realize that she was different was the fact that she treated him like he was human and not just some bad boy that the media portrayed. She saw past the whole facade he had himself in and truly wanted to get to know him.

Realizing that he was getting way in his head he brought attention back onto what he does best making music and in the process pushing those feelings away for now.

"Choosey lover boy, I'm so proud of ya. I'm so glad you chose me, baby I'll make you so happy." Imani continued to sing the words until the song was over and while she did so she fought the heavy feeling in her heart. A feeling that she'd never felt before and it was different.

Once the song ended Imani looked at him, "Hit or miss?" She asks while taking off the headphones.

"A hit," He responds to which she smiles. Placing the headphones over the rack she then exits the booth. It's like magic that comes out whenever they work together and hopefully, it'll stay that way.

Once exiting the booth, Imani glances at her watch, "I'm gonna go get somethin' to eat, you wanna come with?" She asks with a hopeful smile. She wouldn't mind if he said no since he's quote-unquote always working on new music but the thing is did he ever catch a break? There wasn't one moment where he wasn't in the studio.

DeVanté shook his head no, "Nah it's cool, I'll just stay here I have things to do anyways." He was always busy, and even if he wasn't busy he still had something to do.

Rolling her eyes, Imani grabs his coat from the coat rack, "You are coming with me — you spend all day in the studio so did you even eat today at all?" There were times when Imani would find herself getting worried about DeVanté's well-being because he would be in the studio 24/7 and refused to come out.

"I —" He tries to remember at what time he ate today but nothing popped up since he didn't.

"Exactly, now here, put that on 'cause it's a little chilly outside, now let's bounce." She places the coat on his lap and proceeds to head to the door.

"Oh, and you're driving and we're going to Tony's — I hope you like pizza." With a teasing smile, she exits the studio.

Once the door closed behind him, DeVanté couldn't help but let out a deep sigh. Just what was he getting himself into? Glancing at his coat and the studio he made the final decision that'll unknowingly change his life drastically, "Fuck it." Grabbing his coat and keys he left the studio only to meet up with Imani.

Imani who was busy looking down at her watch while humming some popular tune looked up once she heard the sound of the door opening and closing, "Took you long enough."

authors note: I just wanna say a lil sum if that's alright with y'all. okay, so me and the wonderful PRINCESCUMSOUP have been talking about DeVanté books on here ( fyi if you ain't mentioned this ain't about you) just speaking in general but y'all be portraying the man to be some toxic ass monster. It's always the same plot, nothing new he's either toxic, has bpd and is toxic, or just an abusive toxic mess in general and its mad annoying cause is that all y'all see him as? Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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