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' OCT 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐 '

    "Let's Stay Together' is one of his top songs and we can argue all day about it." The atmosphere was nice and casual as they sat in one of the booths belonging to the sleek nightclub that was called Tony's.

It was a popular nightclub mainly the young youths found their way inside for the good vibes and good food. Around them, the infectious bass coming from Hip-Hop tunes as warm bodies danced along to it down below only made the attention focus on them.

You're probably wondering how Imani discovered a place like that. Well right before she got signed, Eve took her on a little tour in the inner city and that is how she came to find out about Tony's and has been there ever since (except for when she's busy in the studio or meetings.)

Steel plates that rested Half-eaten variations of pizza and other items sat between them somewhat ignored as the two minds were elsewhere and their thoughts were rampant on disagreeing.

"See this is where you're wrong, 'Love and Happiness' is right there." Disagreed DeVanté which caused Imani to roll her eyes playfully.

They were having a small little disagreement about songs they believe are the best from Al Green with Imani claiming that it's 'Let's Stay Together' while DeVanté claimed that 'Love and Happiness' was better.

Pointing at him she leans closer, "Listen here Donald, I said what I said — 'Let's Stay Together' is one of Al Green's best songs — the emotions he conveys through it, the romance 'Love and Happiness' can't compete with that."

Chuckling he shakes his head at Imani's antics, "So we using government names now, Devan?" He found how she acted amusing but would he ever admit it out loud... probably not. Yes, he used her last name, if she could use his name why can't he?

"So what if I did." She challenged crossing her arms, "It's not like you gon do anything to stop me." For some reason, she was feeling bolder than usual, especially whenever she was around him.

"There's a lot of things I can do actually." His deep lowly spoke with hints of a teasing warning contrary to the look Imani gave him. Smirking to himself, he folded his arms over his chest with vivid amusement, but just as Imani was gonna respond, someone else got their attention.

    "I know that ain't you Imani." A soft voice with a southern accent called out causing them to turn their head, especially Imani's. A slightly tall brown-skinned woman headed towards them with a wide smile across her dark red painted lips. Hair styled in a slick updo, some of it hung loose in slim golden brown twists with her eyes landing on Imani.

Gold bamboo earrings dangled from her ears, gleaming under the nightclub light, "It is you." The woman smiled causing her to stand up abruptly, "Slim? Slim girl what are you doing here." They looked at each other in shock before hugging.

"Girl it's so good to see you." Imani said while hugging her, she eventually pulled away, "Now tell me what are you doing here in New York." She hadn't heard from or seen Slim ever since she left, and all of a sudden she was here.

Slim let out a laugh her eyes trailing onto DeVanté before looking back at Imani, "I should be asking you the same thing but ya girl done went and got herself a job at one of the big firms."

"But before I give you any more details who is this cute-faced thang and why haven't I met him yet?" Slim asked, stepping forward as she pointed a finger at DeVanté. Her red curved acrylic nail gleamed under the lights as she waited for an answer.

"Oh this is DeVanté Swing, DeVanté this is Slim, my chaotic yet amazin' best friend from back home." She introduces the two who briefly greeted each other.

"Wait, you look familiar." Slim narrowed her eyes, "Hold on aren't you from that group that sang Forever My Lady?" She snaps her fingers, eyes widening, "You are! I know those eyes from anywhere — now you have to tell me everything, Imani. 'Cause tell me why I went over to your Mom's house and she told me that you went and packed up everything and left to go to New York for some record deal and now I see you here with DeVanté Swing from Jodeci."

"First things first breathe. Secondly, you remember when I told you that I sent my demo tape in." She asks to which Slim nods and motions for her to continue, "Well Uptown Records got it and they signed me."

It took Slim about two seconds to process what Imani said before smiling widely, "Oh my god you did it — you did it this is amazing —speaking of amazing that means you're working with pretty boy over there alright I see you." She winked.

    "Oh, it is not like that." Imani immediately refutes but Slim has a look that only shows that she was not moved, "We are just friends and label mates."

Just friends and label mates but were just flirting a couple of minutes before Slim arrived.

"Hmm." She continued to eye the both of them "We'll see how long that lasts." Slim can be many things but oblivious was not one of them. Even a blind mouse can see that there is an undeniable attraction between the two even if neither would admit it.

"You play way too much —" Suddenly the DJ scratches the track and Remember The Time by Michael Jackson soon began playing, "Ouu, this is my song! Now you gotta dance with me De." Stood up Imani who slowly took off her coat.

"I am not a dancer." He shakes his head. Not a dancer but what dancing a whole lot in the 'Gotta Love' music video.

"Alright fine but you do owe me a dance." Placing her coat on her seat and headed to the dance floor.

Looking at the two Slim couldn't help but quietly laugh to herself knowing that the feeling was there.

"You like her don't you?" Was the first thing Slim said once Imani left for the dance floor, "I can sense it all over you." DeVanté avoided her gaze as he continued to look at Imani with an unreadable expression.

    "We're just friends that's all." He answers but his eyes trailed all on her as she danced with the small crowd. Her body moved along to the beat with ease and she did mention that she danced but to see it in person was different.

    Rolling her eyes, Slim took the opportunity to make use of the open space. "You seem to be the type who'd rather spend all day in the studio, and knowing how Imani is she dragged you here. So you and I both know that you wouldn't have even been here if you didn't like her."

    Shit, she's right. He was facing a rather internal battle on how he felt towards Imani. Despite their short time in getting to know each other, he felt a bit of a connection, "I don't what I feel, honestly."

    "Look, I'm no love guru but I do know one thing and that thing is you both have a connection. So what I can suggest is that you two ride whatever friendship, work relationship you'll get going on because you're both young and in the entertainment industry — but if you do hurt her I'll hurt you." She warned jokingly.

    What Slim said did have some truth to it, they were young and still had a lot to live for. Until the waves come crashing down let them just ride it for a bit.

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