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' OCT 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐 '

   A thin layer of sweat trickled down the curve of Imani's face as the thunderous beat of If screamed through the loudspeakers, surrounding the young adults as they moved in a synchronized matter.

    In a small section in the corner sat Eve and Sean as they watched her practice — with MTV of course who wanted to get some footage for the special. Imani eventually came to forget that they weren't there because whenever she got into her zone and her mindset, there was nothing that would stop her.

    Once arriving at the studio Tina informed them that they had to work on the choreography even harder due to Sean informing her on short notice that they'll have to film in the next two days. Scheduling was a little tight which meant she had to take up the amount of time they gave her. She liked working so despite feeling exhausted at times it felt good to her to know that a good thing was coming out of it.

     She was dressed into something much looser and more comfortable, one completely different from the very baggy attire she wore during the plane ride. One thing about California weather was that no matter the weather it stayed warm. It was a blessing and a curse as Imani had already grown used to Georgia weather and was slowly coming to terms with New York's frostiness.

    Practicing was a key factor in what she used to improve the little details of learning the choreography with little to no effort. Either way, she was happy to learn new things, "And we're done!" The older woman panted, her raspy voice echoing throughout the studio as a dancer pressed pause.

    Imani stopped placing her hands on her hips. She noticed a couple of things with some of the dancers and saw fit for it to be pointed out. walking towards Tina, she waited for a little to catch her breath before speaking, "I just wanna say that we did great, it's just that some of us weren't as in sync." Imani stated while dabbing her neck with a towel, stepping aside she allowed Tina to take the lead, "Just a couple things that I noticed. Amanda you're coming in a little too early, you need to focus on timing yourself better. And during the breakdance, you're going left when you're supposed to be going right, get that in check."

    Everyone nodded at Tina's critiques, especially Amanda, who looked down embarrassed. She'll spend time perfecting it later that night. "Oh and Dion, thanks for being a great dance partner despite the sudden switch." She says before stepping back. Dion nodded appreciatively with a dimpled smile.

    Dion was one of the newest editions to the Cool Catz Crew as they called themselves. Hailing from Atlanta, Imani was more than happy to join because she wouldn't be the only one who's from the south there plus he was an incredible dancer with an extensive catalog as he's worked with the King of Pop himself Michael Jackson.

    "Thank you." His accent came out strong as he stepped back with a proud look.

    "Alright everyone, that concludes practice! Be ready for tomorrow." Tina cheered, flashing one last smile before everyone drifted from the circle. Imani headed to her bag and grabbed the first thing her hands landed on which was a bottle of water. Twisting the cap she took a much-needed sip of water, lost in her world she then felt a pair of arms touch her shoulder followed by the shout of her name, "Imani!" A voice called out causing her to almost choke on her water.

    Her brown eyes sent glares at Mya, Katrina, and Dion who giggled behind her nudging. Mya glanced at Eve and Sean who were engaged in a quiet conversation and the cameraman lowered her voice, "We're planning on hittin' the club tonight, and you're coming with us." Mya said, causing Imani to look at her like she was crazy. "Don't we have a curfew due to tight scheduling? Plus I can't go anywhere since I'm legally underage to drink remember?"

    Imani was about to head over to Eve and Puffy when Mya stopped her once again, "I ain't asking you Imani, I'm telling you." She continued, followed by chortles of laughter from the others, "And just for you, we found a club that lets in babies like you." Dion playfully coos causing Imani to roll her eyes.

    "Haha very funny." She sarcastically mutters dropping her bottle in her bag. She was the youngest out of the group hence why they treated her like a little sister, but at the end of the day, they still gave her the respect she deserved because she was somewhat their boss in a sense, "C'mon please come, this is just a little time we have to go out and explore Los Angeles. Not to mention they'll have some cute boys and girls there." Katrina wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.

    Imani shook her head at Katrina's comment, no doubt secretly questioning how she ended up becoming friends with Katrina since she can rather be troublesome but in a good way — even more so when she wanted to have fun, "Just an hour at least with us having fun, and then straight to the hotel." Dion added.

    Pursing her lips together, she thought about it for a second knowing that she wouldn't be able to get out of this one due to their pestering ways. So with a wary look, she muttered: "Alright fine."

    They quietly cheered, dabbing each other in satisfaction but Imani raised a finger, "If anything happens it's on y'all not me." She whispered to which they nodded.

    "Uh, Sean?" Mya called out the older man's name to get his attention. He looked up once he heard the sound of his name, "You mind if we head back to the hotel, we're really tired and just wanna get some rest for tomorrow." She made sure to drag out the word real to emphasize her point.

    With a nod that pretty much was a yes to her as looked at Imani with a wide smile, "It's time to party." She smiles cheering quietly. In the back of Imani's mind, she hoped that she wasn't going to regret it in the end.

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