Chapter 10

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I heard what Dean whispered in Sam's ear. After he finished what he has to say, I flicked my wand, and said

"Wingardium Leviosa!" I said and Dean started floating up in the air.

 " What the fudge! Why the hell am I floating?! " Dean said in visible shock.

Me and Sam started laughing so hard. I flicked my wand back, and Dean fell in the floor on his butt. I laughed so hard, and helped him up.

 As I helped him up, I smirked and whispered in his ear;

 "Don't ever say it's father's money. Every girl hates that."

 I helped Dean up, by sticking out my had and pulling him up.

 "Plus, aren't you the master when it comes to flirting with girls and all?" I said in a teasing tone, while exposing him.

 Sam laughed so hard that he was out of breath when he said;

 "Damn... Dean... Got... Exposed... By a... 14 year old girl!"

 And that comment caused me to laugh in return. I gave Sam a high-five, and was heading upstairs when I heard Sam ask.

 "By the way, what's the other room for?"

 "Come with me then!" I said joyfully.

I showed them my other room full of music producing sets, and radio setups.

There's a keyboard, a synthesizer, a set of mics on a shelf, cameras on an other shelf, Polaroid camera, a computer, an electric guitar, a whole drum set, a mixer near the computer. (A/N: the room is very big btw)

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