11. Teasing

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Y/N!" My mother called. "Where's Namjoon?"

"In the basement. He found out about us so I had to tie him up early," I informed.

"Did you ask him?"

"Yes," I answered. "He disagreed on both options. He said he could clear our name and give us money but not cut the royal blood line."

"Did you give him food and water while he's down there? At least water? How long has he been down there?" my mother asked, getting worried over that little annoying shit.

"He's been there for about five hours. I haven't given him food nor water. He doesn't deserve it-"

"Y/N!" my mother scolded. "Everyone deserves at least water! He'll die! Go give him water!"


"No buts! Go give him water! We want a living prince, not a dead one!" she demanded and I couldn't do anything but obey.

I made my way to the kitchen while sulking and poured him a glass of water. I made my way down to the basement and saw him being awake. His eyes landed on the glass of water before he looked up at me again. "You've gotten on my nerves way too much and deserve to stay in here, alone, tied up and with no food nor water," he mocked me. To my surprise, he did it really well but that just made it more annoying.

"Shut the fuck up and drink!" I went over to him, putting the glass on his lips because of his tied arms. I gently lifted it making him drink. After he had drunken I turned around and walked out without saying a thing. I did hear him mumble a "Thank you" though. After all we've done to him he's still showing gratitude and that's really wise of him.

When I got out of the basement, I saw my mother once again. "Y/N, marry him," she suddenly said.

"What?!" I asked surprisingly. "It's not possible. He wants a well mannered girl that he loves."

"You are well mannered! Are you under estimating the way I raised you?!" my mother scolded.

"No, no!"

"He doesn't love you now, but he can love you. Any boy can fall for your charms."


"What?" she shrugged. "I used to get all the boys in town. You're my daughter. You have my genes." She walked closer to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "You're gorgeous honey. You should be confident because you can really get any boy you want. Make him fall for you."

I was beyond shocked by what my mother was saying. "I don't love him, mom."

"Yet," she suddenly said. I won't fall for him just because he's a prince! "I've seen you being all cuddled up in your sleep. You can't hide from me. You two are compatible, but you just need time." She smiled, removing her hand from my shoulder. My jaw hung open at the fact that my mother literally saw me cuddling with a man and is shipping me with him. I've never talked about my love life or boys with my mother and she's never shipped me with anyone. I'm finally at the age of getting shipped with other men by my own parents? It's time for them to want to get rid of me? "Good luck," my mom said, turning on her heels and walking towards the basement. I remained speechless, shocked and staring at her. "I'm gonna talk with Namjoon and release him. He doesn't deserve to be there for too long."

"But he's been a bitc-"

"Y/N!" she scolded, not glancing at me, before going down the basement.

I followed her to eavesdrop on her conversation with Namjoon. "Hello Namjoon. How are you?" she asked him.

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