14. Prince clubbing

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Your name is Nathan," I reminded Namjoon as we entered the club.

"That is understood."

We entered the club as I saw my four friends. "Hey!" I greeted and hugged them all. The music was playing loudly but we were luckily far away from the speakers and therefore could hear each other by screaming. "May I introduce you to Nathan. Nathan this is Jake, Emma, Oliver and Bianca," I introduced and they greeted each other. All of my friends are mafias. We usually went out to escape the cruel, violent world and lived our lives like normal human beings. However, I still had to hide Namjoon's identity from them because I really don't trust them with these.

Namjoon was still awkward around my friends and kept himself near me, gently holding a part of my shirt as he is afraid of being lost in this unfamiliar place. He's never been in a club, or bar, and that is absolutely understandable.

We ordered some drinks and sat down at an empty table. Namjoon didn't want to drink, but I told him he could give it a try and doesn't have to drink it fully if he doesn't want you. He has drunken before. There's no way he hasn't, even as a prince, but I don't think he drinks that often. It might be his royalty preventing him from drinking or he simply doesn't like it.

We decided to play never have I ever and the rules are simple: you drink if you have.

"Never have I ever," Bianca started. "Breathed," she continued, giving a smirk because she was making us all drink.

"Oh my god, this liquor is horrid," Namjoon said. Has he never drunken before? "The ones I own do not taste bad." One thing that caught me off guard was that he owns beer. I thought he only drinks wine or champagne in events but I guess not.

"You gotta deal with it or order something else," I said.

"It is okay. Keep going."

"Never have I ever fallen down the stairs in front of people," Oliver said. I looked at my friends, finding none of them drinking, before taking my shot of beer. "Oh wow, that must've been embarassing," Oliver said and laughed. He was right.. and it hurt too.

"Never have I ever sung karaoke in front of people," Emma said and we all drank. It's a pretty normal thing I guess.

"Never have I ever shoplifted," James said and we all drank once again, except for Namjoon. Well he probably didn't have to shoplift because he's so spoiled and rich.

"Never have I ever injured myself while trying to impress my crush," I said. I didn't drink because I've never done it. I said that to see who actually embarrassed themselves and Oliver drank. It was expected. He's so clumsy.

"Never have I ever not slept for the whole night," Namjoon said and we all drank. I mean, who haven't pulled an all nighter?

Our game kept going and we kept drinking. I started feeling my head being lightweight and life just became funnier. "Never have I ever went skinny dipping," I said, giggling and drinking again. Namjoon drinking caught me off guard. He has actually done many things that I never thought he would but still drank a lot less than us. He drank on unexpected stuff and didn't drink on stuff we thought he'd drink on.

I gasped and pointed at Namjoon. "You've went skinny dipping? We have to do that together sometime!" I said and giggled. My friends and him giggled too.

"No, thanks," he answered me, making me pout and look at my drink. Boring.

The next questions were a bit.. inappropriate. Namjoon drinking on some really got me gasping and yelling in shock. I really don't know him well enough.

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