22. News

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Breaking news: The prince, Kim Namjoon, has reportedly claimed that he was kidnapped by the mafia, identified as Y/F/N. Investigations are underway to verify the authenticity of the statement," the anchor on the news said as a picture of me was shown. The picture was taken from my social media, so I wasn't so shocked about the photo itself. However, I was shocked about the news. Namjoon said that? He betrayed me. After my photo, a photo of Namjoon with brown hair was shown. Considering the hair color, the picture was new. Namjoon was shown to the public for the first time.

The worst part is, we were still at the party. We had just gathered to hear the news, and once we did everyone's heads turned to me. I was getting looks of disgust, disbelief and more, but it was nothing positive.

I couldn't hold it to myself anymore. How could Namjoon do this?! My shock quickly turned into anger. I looked at Namjoon, that was too busy looking at the TV with wide eyes.

I pushed Namjoon's arm, causing him to stumble a little before looking at me. "What is wrong with you?!" I yelled. "After everything we've been through, and after telling me that it's okay and that you forgive me, you do this?! I thought we were on the same side! How dare you?!"

Namjoon looked at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression. Everyone's eyes were on us. I could even hear some whispering. "Y/N, it is a misinterpretati-"

"I misunderstood nothing!" I cut him off and took a step closer to him. I was furious, and Namjoon's expression wasn't helping. I knew he was a good actor, and seeing how well he pulls off the innocent face makes me go wild. "Why would you do that?! I didn't even kidnap you! You needed a place to stay! I just drugged you when you found out who I was! I never hurt you!" I yelled. Namjoon's friends gasped when I mentioned that I drugged him, but neither I or Namjoon cared.

"Y/N, I swear to God. I did not," Namjoon tried.

My eyes narrowed. "You fucking LIAR!!" I jumped on him, trying to attack him and punch the shit out of him. I just wanted to let all my anger out on him as he deserved it, but I got stopped. Everyone around us quickly reacted and pulled me away from him. "Let go of me!" I yelled and squirmed under their grip, trying to get loss.

"Y/N, please," Namjoon said with a soft tone. I noticed that his eyes were a bit teary, and I couldn't help but calm down a bit. I hated the fact that his tears and soft side made me soft, knowing that it was all an act. He was a liar, he is a liar and he has always been a liar.

"Why would you do that?" I asked with a softer tone. My voice sounded more sad than angry. "I trusted you."

"I am aware of that. I am sorry," he apologized. That sentence broke me. He was basically admitting it by apologizing, and with that I broke down.

Namjoon must've motioned everyone to get out, because as I covered my face and let my tears run down I felt the grip on me loosen. I heard the door close and suddenly it was all quite. Everyone's breathing noise disappeared. It was just me and Namjoon now.

I let my hands down and looked up, confirming my assumption of being alone with Namjoon. Surprisingly, Namjoon had started crying too. Slight tears were running down his face. He extended his arms and stepped towards me. "Come here," he said softly and took me in his arms. I let him embrace me, even though he's the reason I'm crying. I hated him at that moment, but at the same time I loved him. As a friend of course.

"Y/N, look at me," he ordered. When I lifted my head up to meet his eyes, he gently wiped my tears with his thumb. "I did not. I swear to God," he lied again.

"Stop lying to me," I said. "There's no point in lying. Everyone knows already. You said I kidnapped you."

Namjoon's eyes softened. "You are the last one I thought would believe that nonsense. I would never betray you like that. You aided me. You are my friend. Why would I?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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