15. Unexpected Visitors

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I wake up with the worst headache ever and a really bad stomach ache. I'm definitely about to throw up! I ran to the bathroom, opened the toilet seat, and just then threw up, just like I thought I would. This is hell! I kept throwing up for a few minutes until I felt that I got all of the shit out of my body. I then cleaned myself and went out of the toilet, still with a strong headache. I went out to the bathroom and checked the time. Holy shit?! It was 12:21, which means my alarm didn't ring or it rang and I didn't hear it. I unlocked my phone to see what the heck happened to my alarm only to see that I have not closed the 'alarm app' from yesterday. However, it wasn't the alarm up. I had opened the calculator and written '8:45' on it then thought that it was my alarm clock. What the hell happened yesterday?! I looked at myself in the mirror. Oh wow, at least I took off my make-up and changed my clothes. That is unusual.

I went outside of my room, still with a headache, only to find Namjoon eating breakfast. My parents were at work as usual so we were home alone. Wait, why id he eating breakfast now?

Namjoon noticed me walking towards him. "Good afternoon, Y/N." I just waved as a response and sat down in front of him and held my head in pain. "Do you have a headache?" I nodded. "Did you puke?" I nodded again. He got up, went to the fridge and bright me some pain killers with a glass of water. "Drink this and you will feel better soon," he said, giving them to me.

"Thank you." I gulped down the pain killers and looked at him. "Why are you eating breakfast now?"

"I was cooking the past hours."

"Hours?" I glanced at his bowl, finding cereal. His cereal looked weird and had a weird color though. "Cooking?" I looked at him. "What did you do?"

He scratched his head awkwardly. "I cannot cook, you know that. I tried.. cooking fried chicken. However, I burnt it twice. I cleaned it with clorine also, so the chicken was immaculate. Such a waste."

"You did what?! Clorine?!" He nodded. Well, thank god he didn't eat it. "Namjoon." I sighed. "Google the recipe or watch a YouTube video next time you cook."


"Anyway," I started. "What happened yesterday? I only remember dancing to Shakira with you." He looked at me for a moment before smiling widely and laughing. "What?"

"You are amusing when you are drunk," he said.

I frowned. "What did I do?"

He chuckled. "Where should I start? Do you want to hear the bad part or good part?" There's a bad part?

"I got get layed, didn't I? Oh my gosh! Tell me the bad part." I didn't want to get layed in a club, so if I did then that is definitely no good news.

"No. You danced with a man."

"That's it? That's not so bad."

"Allow me to continue," he started. "You looked like you enjoyed his company. You danced and drank with him, but later I saw him putting a substance, which appeared to look like drugs, in your drink. You were about to drink that drink but I took it away from you and took you out of the club."

I was left dumbfounded. I was about to get drugged?! "Oh, wow. Thank you so much Namjoon. I really could've died if you weren't there and helped me. Who knows what could've happened to me? I'm really not myself when drunk so I can't protect myself."

He nodded. "No worries. You are safe now." I nodded, still shocked by what he said. "Do you want to know the amusing part now?" he asked, chuckling again. "Well, I do not acknowledge that you will find it amusing but I did."

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