Chapter 4: Nightmares of The Past

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I'm calmly drawing something while sitting on the floor in my bedroom. It's getting late so Mom should be coming in to tell me good night soon. Just as I was thinking about it, almost as if she had heard my thoughts, the door opens and I turn my head shocked, I didn't actually think she'd come to say goodnight, she never does, not anymore... Wait... That's not her...

"Hey kiddo." The jerk she's dating is the one who enters my room, closing the door behind him, I can hear the lock click as well. "Watcha doin?" He asks as he walks over to me.

I can feel my heart start racing, it almost makes my chest hurt. He sits down next to me and takes my drawing.

"It's nice, you're pretty talented, aren't you?" I look away from him.

My stomach is starting to turn inside out. He lays the drawing down on the ground, directly afterwards I can feel his eyes looking me up and down. Soon it wasn't just his eyes on me, his hand starts rubbing my thighs.

"Your skins always so soft and warm." He grabs onto my arm and pulls me towards him before lifting me up and setting me on his lap.

I feel so scared, so helpless. His hand starts lifting up my dress while his other starts pulling down my underwear. No... no... not again... I can't do this again... Damnit I can't handle this anymore.

Suddenly I jolt awake in a cold sweat panting. I hastily look around; I calm down a little when I see King asleep on chastiefol next to me. I get up to take a walk to clear my head, there's no way I can fall back asleep after that. 6 years and I'm still having nightmares about that asshat, I grind my teeth together just thinking about him. I want to slit his throat open and watch him choke on his own blood till his final breath. I shake my head, placing my hand on my forehead, no, no Y/n, revenge doesn't fix anything. Nothing will ever fix it. I walk around for a while trying to clear my head, but the silence only lets my mind go deeper and deeper down this rabbit hole, so I head back to King.

I get my scythe and something to clean it with and I start working on getting the marks from training off. About 10 minutes later King jolts awake also panting in a cold sweat.

"Helbram!" He shouted as he sat up, he quickly put his hand over his mouth and his other on his stomach as if he were nauseous.

"Nightmare?" I ask and he quickly jolts his head towards me, he's crying. I stop what I'm doing and go over to him. "Wanna talk about it?" He's very shaky, must've been pretty bad. He moves his hand away from his mouth as he reaches over for his water. He takes a few sips sided with a few deep breaths.

"I-it's nothing..." He mumbles as he wipes his tears away.

"You sure? It might make you feel better." He looks over at me and sighs.

"It's just me being the worst best friend ever." He hugs his knees, gazing at the ground.

"What'd you do?" He hugs his knees tighter, and he doesn't answer for a while.

"I didn't realize how badly my best friend was suffering and I let him suffer for way longer than anyone should have to." Tears start flooding his eyes just before he buries his head into his knees and pulls his hood over his head.

"What happened to them?" I place my hand gently on his back.

"He loved humans he thought they were really interesting and because of this he ended up getting tricked by some. I think you'd call them blacklisters or something like it."

"Black marketers, after fairy wings, I guess?" King nods.

"Him and his friends were captured by them, and he had to watch as they ripped their wings off... And just like the worthless king I am I couldn't stop it; I didn't save him." He starts whimpering as his crying became worse. "I got there too late, and the damage had already been done, I was so shocked to see their bodies that I didn't even notice there was still a human there, he ended up ambushing me, I lost my memories, and it took over 500 years to get them back." He starts shaking his head. "I let him suffer alone for 500 years. I'm the worst best friend, big brother, the worst king, I'm just the worst."

"You're a pretty good friend to me!"

"Huh?" He lifts his head up and looks over at me.

"Yep, you're the bestist friend I have and you're a really good role model or at least I think so! And you're a good teacher!" I have a smile across my face, but my efforts were pointless. He buries his head back into his knees not saying anything. "You said 500 years, but didn't you leave the forest 700 years ago?" He slowly nods.

"I found him after he destroyed a human village, he told me everything. He had grown such a hatred for humans that he wanted to eradicate all of them. I-I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to end his suffering so I... I..." His breathing becomes sharp and painful, I hear him grind his teeth together. I realize what he means, he killed him so he could finally rest, I look away from him towards the ground and pull my hands into my lap.

"When something dark happens to you it doesn't matter how many friends you have with you." He lifts his head up towards me.


"It doesn't matter if you're surrounded by the things, you love the most." I take a deep sigh. "Those memories, those sounds, nothing will ever make them go away. Not revenge, not friends, nothing, death is the only release from the endless nightmare you get put in." I pause, getting lost in my thoughts before he snaps me out of them.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." It's clear he doesn't believe me even after giving a soft smile he doesn't.

"Wait, why were you up in the first place?" He wipes the tears from his eyes and his position eases.

"Oh... Uhm... I was just kind of restless tonight, so I was trying to do something until I got tired enough to fall asleep." His expression states he still doesn't believe me, but he drops it as he sighs, standing up.

"How about we fly around a little? To calm our heads?" He pulls chastiefol under his arm and reaches his hand out to help me stand.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I mumble as I take his hand. He softly smiles as he gives me chastiefol, I get on top of it, and we start off on a small fly around. We're both quiet for most of the flight, I'm watching the stars and he's staring at the ground seemingly lost in thought. Well, lost in thought until he speaks randomly.

"Before everything happened, I think Helbram would've really liked you." I turn my head towards him confused.

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know, it just feels like you two would've gotten along great." He ruffles his hair, still staring at the ground with his back towards me. "You're really interested and curious about fairies and he was the same way with humans, I could see you two getting lost in hour long conversations just asking questions about each other's races. You're both really playful sometimes too so I could see you two playing human and fairy games for hours as well."

"Yeah, that sounds like something I'd do." I give a small laugh.

"Maybe if he met you then he would've realized only some humans are bad and maybe..." He cuts himself off with a sharp breath, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Once you start on the revenge path you won't be getting off it, changing your mind is harder than dealing with what happened." He turns around. "Stop crying over the past, you're going to mess up again in the future and if you're still crying over this, then dealing with whatever that mess up is, is going to feel a lot worse." He sighs and looks away from me.

"You really are like him." He mumbles under his breath; the rest of the way back was quiet. 

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