An Unusual Meeting Place

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I lied on my bed as everyone around me was fast asleep. As much as I wanted to join them I couldn't stop thinking about everything I lost. Every time I shut my eyes I saw them. All of them. Alby, Gally, and especially Chuck. There's no way he was older than thirteen, and now he's gone.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes before turning on my back to stare at the ceiling. That's when I noticed something. Right above me were vents that looked like I could squeeze into if I tried hard enough. It's clear I'm not getting any sleep any time soon so I may as well see if I'm able to see anything important around here.

I checked to see that everyone was still sleeping before slowly standing up and sliding the cover off. It made a slight creaking sound, and I froze as someones snoring stopped for a second. I didn't move until I was completely sure everyone was sleeping.

I hoisted myself into the vent and left nothing but an inch of room for me to pry it open when I get back.

The vent was barely a few feet wide. I don't know whether to be happy I'm right or annoyed about it. Maybe a bit of both.

I was almost dead silent as I moved myself forward using my elbows. Every now and then I would see doctors rooms or other groups dorms, but nothing interesting.

The guards never said anything to each other through the night. There was no noise except for the occasional snore or rustle of bed sheets from other people. It felt strange to not hear anyone talking or walking around. It gave me the creeps.

I thought I heard something but brushed it off as paranoia. After all, it's not everyday you crawl in an empty vent at three in the morning.

I moved to turn a different direction that seemed to be darker than the other areas. I waited for my eyes to adjust when I saw an outline of a person. I squinted and held my breath praying it was my imagination. Then, they moved. I went still trying to think of who else could possibly be here especially so late at night.

A light came on, and I saw a boy I had recognized but never spoken to. He held up a finger to his lips and pointed down. I came closer and saw guards standing right below us.

After what felt like an eternity they left, but neither of us dared move until we heard them close a door. I let out a sigh of relief.

For some reason only now did I realize how awkward it was to be stuck in a tight space with a total stranger. I looked at him for a moment. I hadn't noticed it in the cafeteria, but there were heavy bags under his eyes as if he never slept. He had dark brown that looked well kept. The thing that I definitely recognized though was the striped hoodie.

After a moment he broke the silence by asking what I was doing here.

"Couldn't sleep,"I answered. He nodded.

"What about you?"I asked.

"I look around sometimes,"He said nonchalantly. It occurred to me that this was the first time I'd seen much less heard him speak.

"What's your name?"I asked.

"Aris,"He responded.

"Nice name. I'm Y/N,"I told him.

"I know,"He said, making me look at him confused.

"I just observe interesting people sometimes. You're an interesting person,"He explained.

"Thanks. Seeing as you're crawling in vents at night I'd say you're pretty interesting too."

For the first time here I saw him smile. It wasn't big, but somehow that looked more genuine.

That's when it occurred to me that maybe I'd been observing him too.

"It's going to be morning soon. You should get back to your friends,"He whispered. I glanced at a clock below us, and he was right.

I don't know why, but I wanted to know more about him.

"Do you want to meet here? You know same time tomorrow?"I asked. He looked at me before nodding.

"Same time tomorrow."

Aris Jones x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now