Worth a Shot

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All my the life I'd been running from something. I'd been running away from the Spring, WICKED, from cranks, and the Scorch. I'd even started running when I got out of the box. I can't run from my thoughts though no matter how hard I tried.

There's something about the quiet boy that drew me in. Maybe it was the fact that when he smiled it made the whole world seem brighter. It could be how when he looks at me time seems to freeze, but that doesn't seem quite right. It's just him.

"Y/N, are you listening or are you staring at Aris again?" Harriet asked while waving a hand in front of my face.

"What do you mean staring? I don't stare,"I scoffed.
"Then what was I saying?"She asked.

"Okay, maybe I was staring a little bit,"I admitted.

"I know. Especially since I didn't say anything."

"Are we talking about Y/N not being able to talk to Aris?"Sonya asked from out of nowhere. I groaned and covered my face with my hands.

"No. We were talking about her staring problem,"Harriet answered.

"Alright. I'm gonna go and not feel like sinking into the ground,"I said, not seeing them smirking at each other from behind me.

I must have been sitting by the water for a bit longer than I thought because I heard someone call my name. I stretched and turned around to see Aris standing there with two plates of food.

"Oh, hi Aris. What are you doing here? Not that I mind or anything,"I said, trying to keep my cool.

"Sonya said you didn't want to go to dinner so I brought you it."

I'm so gonna kill her.

"Do you not want it?"He asked.
"Sorry. Just distracted,"I explained. It wasn't a lie.
He handed me the plate and started to walk off. I don't know what came over me, but I got the courage to quickly grab his hand. He turned around wide eyed.
"Do you want to sit? The sun's going to go down soon, and it's really nice to watch."
He looked at me, and I was worried I had said something stupid. Before I could say anything embarrassing he took a seat next to me.

When I thought he wasn't looking I took a glance at him. He must have noticed because he looked over, and his face turned red. I was internally screaming.

"You okay? Your face is really red,"He asked.

"Yeah. It's just really hot tonight,"I said quickly.

"You sure? You're shivering,"He pointed out.

I don't know why, but I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Aris. If I kissed you what would you do?"
He tensed for moment, and I knew it was over. I had just made a fool out of myself.
"I don't know,"He whispered.

"Do you want to kiss me?"He asked after a second. I looked at him and noticed his eyes glancing at my lips.

"Yes,"I answered breathlessly.

He leaned in and gently cupped my cheek. I felt a million sparks run throughout my body as my hands found their ways into his hair. I let him deepen it his hands now on the back of my neck. My mind was blank. All that I felt was him so close to me.

I heard slow clapping, and we instantly pulled apart looking behind us. Brenda was standing there with a triumphant look on her face. Beside her was Harriet and Sonya.

"Well done Y/N. Didn't think you had it in you,"She said.

"Think her staring problem will go away?"Harriet asked Sonya.

"No. I think it'll get worse actually."

I buried my face in my hands. "How long have you had a staring problem?"Aris whispered in my ear.

"Too long to remember,"I admitted.

"Yes! Harriet you owe me your desert,"Sonya said happily.

"If we kiss again do you think they'll leave?"Aris asked, just loud enough for them to hear.

"Worth a shot,"I answered putting my lips back in his.

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