Locked Hearts And Hand Grenades

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"Skin off like lightning
breathing flames from tourist trade,
your eyes go quite frightening,
you lock your gaze on to my face,
heavy eyed,
crawling on the road side,
swinging from street lights."


t h r e e:

L y d i a

Lydia's cheeks burned as she got back into the car and they drove off.

Allison had a sort of a triumphant smirk spread across her face as they sped up. "So?" She asked, "How was it?" Lydia rolled her eyes, resting her head against the window and staring in front of her at the street lights and the gleaming rays of a dozen something tail lights. New York buzzed with electricity and life, even at night, especially at night.

"Fine," Lydia mumbled, gritting her teeth. "I swear you won't regret it." She stated, and Lydia simply shrugged because she wasn't sure what to say, she wasn't sure if there was even anything to say, yet she spoke anyway.

"It's a pity date, Allison. The doe-eyed freak's been mooning all over my Prada since he first laid eyes on me."

Allison made a face. "And you don't think that's sweet?" Lydia frowned. "Creepy, sure. Sweet? Not really." Stiles was whatever, but she barely knew the kid, and she'd only asked him out because Allison had coerced her into it. Truthfully, Lydia was still pained by what Aiden had done to her, leaving her alone to die like that, right after professing his love for her - it wasn't exactly the ideal way to woo a girl.

"I got nervous," Aiden had argued. "And I swear I thought you were right behind me! I even tried to come after you again, but the building had begun to crumble at that point." Lydia had a superpower, she could spot liars instantly. Aiden was definitely lying. She recalled how his left eye had been twitching, and how he wasn't blinking enough, and how his fingers fidgeted with the ring he wore in his thumb as he spoke. She'd broken things off instantly. It was a bummer too, Aiden was a great kisser. And for a single hopeful moment, Lydia had assumed that there could've been something more between them. Lydia wasn't even remotely interested in the dance, but Allison was her best friend, and she was so confident that she would have a marvelous time with Stiles, that Lydia couldn't help but comply.

Plus, it was sort of cute, the way he'd perked up when she'd asked him out, in a dorky sort of way. "Thanks for dropping me," Lydia muttered as she got out of the car and Allison pulled out of her driveway. All Lydia really wanted to do was crash. She was already dreaming about the soft and comforting sheets of her bed when she spotted him.

It was unbelievable. Maybe she was dreaming. She had to be dreaming, right? There, up on her roof, was a speck of red and blue. Lydia's mother opened the door, but Lydia raced past her and up the staircase, all the way to her roof in one breath. Lydia slowed down as she latched open the door that led to the roof. She stepped out into the crisp night air, a blanket of blinking stars had formed up in the heavens, complimenting the silver gleam of the moon. Spiderman stood in the shadows, at the very edge of her roof, his back facing her. "I knew it," Lydia breathed, her voice low. "I knew you were somebody I'm acquainted to."

Spiderman, without turning around, mumbled, "I never said I was." Lydia crossed her arms over her chest as she gingerly closed some of the distance between them. "You're at my house, aren't you?" Spiderman chuckled lightly. "My spider senses have me tracking people within seconds, kinda like a bloodhound actually," Lydia felt a smile tug at her lips.

"Alright, stranger. I'll buy it. What's up?" Spiderman turned around, his mask shone in the dim light of the moon.

"I wanted to check on you. Make sure you were okay."

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