Chapter 9

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As soon as we heard the earth trembling, I hugged tight Shelly and Mark. I knew that the earthquake would of been bad this time. I wasn't sure of how I knew that, it was only an instinct. The earth trembled louder, and I was becoming more and more scared. Shelly started crying, and hugged me tight. Mark was just still, paralyzed, literally. With his eyed wise opened. "Run!" I shouted. I picked Shelly up with one hand, and on the other hand I was holding Marks' hand. We ran with all out breath. My heart was pounding and I was praying that we would come alive till the end of the earthquake. Pieces of the buildings surrounding us started to fall, and also the balconies. One big piece of the wall fell right behind us, and as soon as I heard that piece fall, I jumped from fear. "Mommy!" Shelly screamed. Oh my gosh! I forgot about mother how was she? I hoped with all my heart that she was still okay. And what about father? If he still wasn't dead, was he okay? "We have to go back home to help mother!" I said to my brother and sister. "What!?" Mark shouted. "We have to go to mother!" I shouted again. "Ok" Mark shouted. (We all shouted because the noise that the earthquake made was loud) we all ran backwards and tried to go back home. I was sad that I didn't find father, but now, I had to concentrate on mother. We. Were. Lost. I was scared and confused, we ran, trying to remember the road where we went to search for father. Until, we came to a wall. There was a big white wall that didn't let us pass and that was impossible to climb. And two buildings at each side of the wall. "We're blocked, nearly. We still can go that way." Shelly whispered. "Is this wall going to fall too? On US?" Mark asked. "Probably" I answered, still looking at the giant wall. "We'd better go." We nearly walked passed the two buildings, but one of them fell off. I was glad because if we would of done one more step, we would all be dead by now. It was a mess. My heart nearly stopped beating from fear. And, I was pale. I was still holding Shelly, and the was paralyzed. Mark, literally had a heart attack. We were standing there. "Now, we are officially BLOCKED." I said. None of us moved. The floor trembling beneath us. I looked on the fallen building. All the people that were inside were dead, or, were hurt. "Let's help these people." I said. I put Shelly on the floor, and she sat down. Mark and I helped the people. The first person that I helped out was a man half in the bricks. His legs were inside the fallen wall, and the rest wasn't buried. Yet. "Get my hand, I'll help you out of here." The man looked at me, and a smile was suddenly painted on his face. "Thanks boy." I got both of the mans' hands, and pushed him with all my strength. The man was out of the bricks after like, five minutes. "Thank you so much! You saved my life! You are such a good boy." The man said to me. "Ehm... Thanks." Suddenly, a part of the white big wall fell too, and Shelly was sitting right under it. "SHELLY!!!" I cried. I was running to her, but I slipped, and fell beside her. I first saw the wall falling on her, covering all her body, and then, I felt pain on one leg. I turned, and saw all the bricks on one of my legs, it hurt very much. "Shelly..." I whispered, with pain and sadness in my voice. "Oh gosh!" The man that I helped said. "It's my turn to help you now. "A tear fell from my eye, went past my cheek, chin, and I saw it fall on the floor. The man helped me, and saw that my leg was turned, 360 degrees. "Oh boy, does it hurt?" The man asked me. I didn't look at him, I was so sad that I didn't feel the pain. The man helped me to sit down. I covered my face, and cried, I cried for my sister, she was dead. The earth stopped trembling. And the earthquake stopped. Mark came to me, full of tears too. At least he was alive. "I still have the phone in my pocket, I will call the hospital, so that they can cure your leg." I knew the man understood why I wasn't looking at him, or thanking him. When the ambulance came, they carried me on the truck, and drove away. I was still crying. I already missed my sister, I couldn't believe she only lived four years of her life.

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