chapter one

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Frosts POV
I wake to a scream. The girl who was in here with me, is no longer with me. I manage to get up and walk to the bars that keep me imprisoned in this tortures place.
I push my arms through the bars and try to grab the guards knife. He pulls out his gun.
"Get back," is all' he says. I roll my eyes.
"Like I'd do that, I'm your experiment you would never kill me, well until youre finished with me,"
He starts growling like a dog.
"Bad boy, sit," I say pointing at the ground.
"Experiments, 626 and 627," the microphone screaches. I am 626 the other number is the new guy who will replace the 627 that was in my cell. I am pulled out of my thoughts by the guard dragging me down the hall. I refuse to walk. I know they won't shoot me. I'm not so sure about everyone else though, they are all very sceard of guns.

We go down hall ways and hall ways until we get to the right door. The one that says TESTING ROOM. The guard types numbers in on a key pad at the door. The door opens and he pushes us in. The room same as usual, white walls with one gray chair in the corner. A gray circle in the middle of the room.
"627 sit down. 626 please step on the circle," says the voice.
I stand on the circle and look at the mirror in front of me. Its one of those windows that you can see in one way, but out of the other is just your reflection.
My reflection a skinny 22 year old girl, not too tall not to short. Skinny from lack of food,  darkish brown hair with bright blue eyes. Blue is my favourite color. I wear denim short shorts with a black singlet with a white flannel shirt.
"Arms out" the voice says. I do as I'm told, for once. Here it just takes too much time.
A blue light to my left turns on. The gray circle turns so I face it. The light moves down to my feet and back up. The circle turns back to its original position. I let my arms drop to my side.
I tilt my head to the side and a woman appears behind me with a needle. She jabs it in. I'm not afraid of needles. She pushes the plunger down then takes the needle out. I close my eyes and open them. As usual I'm in the same white room just without the people and the chair.
A metal bowl appears in front of me full of  clear water. They expect you to touch or do something with what they put in front of you. I know what they're doing, and its not going to work.
"Its not gonna work Kate," I say to the mirror. Kate is well how do you say the boss. She is around the same height as me but has white blonde hair, as well as her skin. She always wears a tight skirt and her usual shirt and a blazer. I know she'll be angry. The bowl of water disappears, circle of fire surrounds me.
"That won't either. Kate you should try something else, you are smart enough right?"
"Fine then, I wonder how will you like this?"
I roll my eyes. The room is longer, I turn to see two men appear at my sides. I look back in front of me, I see a little girl no older then 12. She looks like me but instead of brown hair she has blonde hair and light skin. Its my little sister. Willow.
Another man appears behind her with a gun. Is he? No he wouldn't. He shouldn't. He will. This isn't real. But it feels real. It isn't. Don't give Kate what she wants. The man holds the gun on to the back to her head.
"Hello, I've missed you."
Don't move, don't do anything. Stay still, I keep telling myself.
"This isn't going to work either" I say.
"What isn't?" Willow asks. I laugh.
"Trying to torture me won't work."
"Torture you?" Kate asks. I smile.
"Why don't you just kill me now? I'm never gonna break, and you know that. Well you should."
She sighs. Willow disappears and I'm in the same white room as I was before.
"626 sit down,627 stand on theatre circle."

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