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Naraku was up to something, Sesshomaru could feel it in his bones.

The very walls of the castle seemed to pulse in anticipation of the upcoming battle that he knew was not very far behind. The fact that Naraku was coming here to take Sesshomaru on didn't bother him, it was the knowledge that Inuyasha was also there that botherrd him

True, she wasn't weak by any means and with the Tetsusaiga she was a deadly opponent, he just didn't like the idea of her being in the middle of it. She was just going to be a distraction for him

Her safety always in the back of his mind, it would give his enemies the advantage thanks to his lack of concentration.

Sesshomaru was so tempted to lock her up somewhere, lock her up until this entire mess is over and done with. He kept getting a horrible sense of dread that if he didn't keep his eyes on her, she will be taken from from, and he couldn't allow that to happen.

The thought of her in Naraku's clutches was more than he could bare, he absolutely cannot allow her to fall victim to him.

Sesshomaru walked towards the windows of the library where he was currently in, researching information regarding the panther tribes and the Shikon jewel when he looked down towards the gardens.

The silver-inu saw Inuyasha lying on the grass, Rin and Shippo were running round trying to catch leaves that were blowing in the wind while Inuyasha kept watch over them with Sango and Kagome nearby.

Why did she like being outside when it was so cold anyways? He gave out a small laugh as he watched how Inuyasha's ears would continuously flicker because of the wind and leaves touching them.

Rin fell down making worry bubble inside of his chest hoping that she didn't get hurt, Inuyasha was by her side immediately, and he watched her dust Rin off, giving her a smile, before kissing her knee where she got hurt. Sesshomaru was surprised that she had such strong motherly instincts, then couldn't help but to think of the vision he had of Inuyasha holding their pup.

"Soon"  he told himelf. "Soon we would have that, we would have many children to fill the castle with laughter, warmth and family" but what he wanted more than that was Inuyasha's heart. He wanted her to love him, to allow him to see the vulnerable part of her, to trust him enough to give her heart to.

The silver-inu sighed, moving from the window to head back to his study. He had a meeting with the demon he sent out as a spy. He was a cross between a chameleon demon and a shadow demon, and could mask his aura and blend into any surroundings.

His family had always remained faithful to his father.

He was a useful ally and a trusted spy for whenever Sesshomaru needed one, and he needed to find out what he has learned about Naraku and his whereabouts or better yet, his plans.

Sesshomaru knew the demon was in the study with him, though he couldn't see him "Kazunari I know you're in here, why must you always play this game with me?" He said in exasperation, sinking in his chair and waited.

He saw Kazunari's eyes blinking as he un-plastered himself from one of Sesshomaru's  bookcases, his body rippling like moving water as his clothing went back to normal.

Kazunari grinned familiarly at him

"My lord" he said in a low bow making Sesshomaru scowl at him.

He was an excellent spy, but a bit of a pain "I'm a little surprised that your whip did not come out to meet me! I must say, I heard that your little mate has tamed the Great Daiyoukai! but I didn't believe it until now, can I meet her my lord? I must thank her!"

Sesshomaru growled low, before shaking his head "I swear, had not promised to keep you safe when your parents passed on I would have rung your neck already" he grumbled at the annoying demon in front of him.

He was young for a demon. Young, cocky and a bit of a smart ass. It never failed to amuse him and insult him that Kazunari never feared him

"But if you killed me then who would you have left to entertain you when you get all broody and moody?" The younger demon said, giving him a shit-go-lucky grin.

Sesshomaru counted to ten, ignoring Kazunari's comments about his personality. There were also days when he needed to count to one hundred with him.

"Focus, what did you learn?" The boy had the attention span of a squirrel, easy to be distracted over the simplest things.

Just as he was about to answer though, the doors slammed open suddenly. Inuyasha came running in, laughing. She sprinted to hide behind Sesshomaru's chair while Kagome's screams can be heard down the halls


Sesshomaru gave Inuyasha a questioning look. "What's going on? Why is Kagome screaming like a witch set to burn at the stake?"

"Long story short, she was too heavy for me so I accidentally dropped her on a puddle of mud, and she did not like that" Inuyasha explained

Kazunari's eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful maiden. "My Lord, now I understand why you wish to lock her up in your chambers for ever!" He jokingly said, admiring Inuyasha's lovely face.

Inuyasha blinked, before glaring at Sesshomaru

Who just pinched the bridge of his nose

"INUYASHA THERE YOU ARE!" Came Kagome, stomping inside his study, covered head to toe in mud.

"Kick them out" Sesshomaru ordered Kazunari. Inuyasha's eyes widened "Wha-" too late, the half chameleon-half-shadow-demon had already lifted her up and tossed her to Kagome.

The two females fell on their backs outside the study room

Kazunari closed the door and locked it shut for good measure.

"So umm.. Where were we?" He asked his Lord.

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