15 : 💧

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Porchay was strumming the strings of his guitar with a sweet smile on his lips.

''You are very serious, it's very good.''

''Oh hi, president.''

The young woman smiled at him. She was really small, with very long hair and she was wearing a white mask.

''Why do you like playing the guitar so much ?''

''Um...My brother said it was cool...And he never got the chance to learn...so...''

"Do you want to make your brother proud?"

Porchay nodded.
Porsche had worked very early to get money to keep his little brother with him.
Fulfilling his brother's dream was all that mattered to him.
Opening a small bar at the beach, Porchay playing songs...Porsche being finally at peace.
Just them.
No more bully or dangerous guys...

The young woman sat a place next to him, she put her elbows on her knees and her slender hands supported her chin:

"I think you belong here...Everyone in this club does it for love."

"But...P'Soundz said we weren't allowed to date..."

Porchay frowned, he was worried but the young woman burst into a sparkling laugh and she shook her head:

"That idiot..Hehe...Tell that to his boyfriend, Win...He will probably be really mad !"

Porchay's eyes widened.
Soundz was dating a guy.
Porchay laughed a little realizing that he had been tricked. Such a shitty joke...Tsk.

''My poor Chay... Don't let the seniors drive you crazy. Nor the teachers...They are all trying to be dominant.''

The young woman was much closer to Porchay suddenly, she had slightly purple lenses and her eyes sparkled with mischief.
Someone cleared their throat behind them and the president backed up before jumping up happily:

"Professor Kim!"

''Don't teach naughty things to young newbies.'' exclaimed Kim crossing his arms.

Nene smiled at him with a shrug.
She was quite brave, that little one.
P'Kim sounded so serious it was almost terrifying.

''I do not lie ! Some teachers here are really strict and too hard with the students!''

Porchay sneered, Khun Kim was such a sweet guy in reality.
He held in his hands the most precious object of his life and it was Khun Kim who had given it to him.

''Show me your progress.''

The president was clearly ignored by the professor and she left pretending to sulk.
Chay blushed, he started to play but his fingers seemed much stiffer.

''I...don't know much yet, but P'Sarawat is very talented. I will learn from him and I'll be better...''

Kim arched an eyebrow, gazing into Chay's.
He seemed so cold and almost...cruel.
As if something bothers him.

''You don't have a good level.''

''I know..'' whispered Chay looking down.

P'Kim's words were hurtful but sincere.
His teacher cleared his throat, and he smirked. He leaned forward and whispered in Porchay's ear:

''Maybe I should give you private lessons...''

Porchay froze, his guitar almost falling from his lap. If he turned his face, his nose would touch Mr. Kim's cheek.
Porchay gasped.
Kimhan's smell was truly amazing.
It was like a drug, this man had become Porchay's addiction....That wasn't good. It was much more than just a little play...More than just flirting...More than a silly crush.

''It's not that simple...'' murmured Porchay.

...To end this forbidden love, thought the young man.

''On the contrary, it's very simple.'' replied Kim firmly.

Porchay gulped and he closed his eyes, his heart beating like a drum.
It was painful.
It was sweet.
He had the impression of having succumbed to a forbidden pleasure. But he wasn't allowed to do it.

"Professor Kim."

Kimhan sat up, judging the student who had called him.
Porchay couldn't hear anything anymore. His head was spinning.
He felt like he could die of happiness, every breath inhaling the scent of his teacher.
Luckily for him, Kim walked away to help a struggling young student.

When Porchay finished his hour he rushed to join Macau outside. There were several courts of all kinds, and the basketball court was quite far away.
Great, he needed to walk...He wanted to clear his mind.


His friend was playing while laughing, he threw a ball in the air and ran towards Porchay before catching it under his knees and he lifted Porchay in the air:

''Macau what are you doing?!''

''WE WON YEAH YEAH YEAH!'' shouted Cau with a happy laugh.

Porchay stirred and his friend set him down gently, taking care of his injured knee.
Macau looked more serious again and he ruffled Chay's curly hair affectionately.

"It's fine, it's fine, you will thank me later..."

''W-what ? For what ? Stop being weird.''

Macau fixed his sharp gaze on a window behind them, and he shrugged with a mischievous smile.

''Nothing...Come on, are we going to eat something? I'm super hungry.''

''Okay but...Cau...''

Porchay slid his hand against his friend's, and he wiped away Cau's sweat with his sleeve.
It was disgusting but something in Porchay's heart alerted him, as if he could feel Macau's sadness... The boy smiled at him again, he slowly pulled Porchay's hand away before whispering:

''Thank you...''

''Let's go eat. I invite you.''

''I'm richer than you.'' laughed Macau.

The two friends left for the cafeteria.
Once seated on a bench opposite his friend, Porchay frowned.

"Tell me seriously what's wrong...Cau."

"It's okay...I don't know what you're talking about."


Porchay could see the pained expression behind Macau's smiles.
Macau was always like this. Acting like everything was fine, smiling and joking around...When deep down, he was in endless despair.
The young man sipped his milkshake before sighing and then looked down:

''I was rejected...''

''Rejected ? By who...?''


Porchay leaned towards his friend, since the latter was only whispering.
This name meant nothing to him.

''Who is it ?''

''Nao Tanaka the sports teacher.'' snarled Macau suddenly rolling his eyes.

Porchay's eyes widened.

''What the ...?? Were you really serious?!"

"Of course I was and you'll know it if you stop chasing after my fucking cousin for two seconds. He's a teacher, like P'Nao. It's impossible so let it go.''

Furious, Macau got up from the table, he even left his drink and left.
Porchay's heart sank...His friend was angry because of him...He didn't approve of his feelings and felt abandoned...Porchay's heart broke a little more.
He knew he had no right to this forbidden happiness but it was more painful when a friend told him so.

''I'm sorry...'' whispered Porchay looking at his shaking hands.

Was it raining again or Porchay's eyes were blurred with tears?

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