27 : ⚽

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Macau was in a bad mood that very morning.
He kept rolling his eyes and sighing.


''Cau seriously....'', Porchay gave him a disapproving look. ''We have to work as a team. Don't be childish.''

''I don't feel like playing sports today.''

Porchay shook his friend before wincing in pain. This did not escape the sharp gaze of his friend.

''You ! You did something last night...''

Porchay hit him immediately and motioned for him to be quiet but Macau burst out laughing.

''Nah come on, really you two...You are just like rabbits ! I bet you just learned how to rid-...''

''Macau shut up please.''

Porchay glared at his friend before clenching his jaw.

''Listen, I have my private life, I would like it to remain so...''

Macau nodded before sighing.

''Okay I won't say anything anymore...Buddy, I don't know what to do...Hia when he wants something he just takes it... Why can't I do the same ? I should maybe just go and say that we are dating now...He is stupid, maybe he would not deny it...''

Porchay blinked quickly before playing with his hands.

''Well, P'Kim is a gentle and patient person...He's kind and he never forced me...so I fell for him...''

Macau rolled his eyes, he knew, he had literally witnessed their love at first sight in live.

''I was there at the first place, I remember. Respect my poor love life a little ok?! You dumbass.''

Porchay laughed before pushing his friend towards the soccer field.

"Come on, you're not going to avoid Professor Nao forever..."

Macau felt his heart go cold immediately. He was tired of having to play with this teacher.

"We're teamed up with Pan, Pat...Rain...Tine....Team...and Arthit."

His dear teacher was helping a young boy named Cake in the back. He was going to give a speech, while looking at everyone:

“Okay very good! We can start in a few minutes !''

Nao was always calm, kind and he was a good teacher...Although he lacked authority.

''Eh Nong Vee no! Do not...Eh don't shoot you friend !''

Macau looked at Nao running in all directions to prevent his students from doing something stupid.
It was a huge mess.

''They really are....', sighed Porchay.

Macau was so annoyed that he kicked a ball and it landed directly on the poor professor's head.

''SHIA !''

''Oiiiii!! Cau what the fuck have you done ?!'', Porchay punched the back of Macau's head and Macau ran to his teacher.

“Mister Nao!!! I'm sorry. Are you alright ?!'', Macau immediately noticed the professor's bloody nose and his heart filled with guilt.

Nao said nothing...but he started...to cry.
Crying like a child in the middle of the sport field.
Every students were startled, alright maybe then have been a little too much with their kind teacher....
Macau helped Nao and he took him to the infirmary.

''Mister Nao ? What happened?'' asked doctor Top. ''Why are you crying ?''

''I am not crying...'', said the teacher while crying.

Macau tried to hide his laugh, but he was really sorry.
Top rolled his eyes, before giving the crying teacher some painkillers.
He also needed some tissue and left for another room.

''I am sorry...''

''I know.'' growled Nao while sobbing. ''Is..Is it broken ? Am I gonna be ugly forever?''

''Broken...?'' Macau was confused for a moment. ''Your nose ? No....The only broken thing here is my heart...P'Nao.''

Macau saw Nao blush.
Okay maybe his cheeks were just red because of the pain...but still, Nao said nothing.
Top started to clean Nao's nose.
He was slightly annoyed, lately, Macau was always ending up in his infirmary.

''Are you planning to become a doctor, Nong Macau ?''

''Ahaha don't say nonsense Doc !''

''You could, you take a good care go your beloved.'' said Top while looking serious.

Nao was agreeing, he touched slightly Macau's hand.
Macau's heart stopped for a moment, damn, he was really stupid...

''You should listen to Doc Top...He knows what he is saying...''

''Well, you are not a good teacher.'' said Top while looking at Nao.

Macau laughed because Nao was seriously offended.
But he was also really cute, Macau wanted to bully him again...
Top left them, because he wanted to pee and Nao was trying to get up :

''Let's go back to class...''

''P'Nao stay here a little more...This is my fault. I understand, I'll stop bothering you now...I will just be a good student.''

Nao started to play with his fingers, he was really...really blushing ?! Wait what ? What the....What was happening ?
The atmosphere changed and he slowly raised his pretty eyes :

''I am... Not bothered by you.''

''A...Ah ?... Alright...''

Macau looked down, he slowly took Nao's hand...and Nao was letting him !
Nao quickly glanced at the door, before grabbing Macau's jaw and he kissed him.
A very small peck.

''I...I don't know what I am doing...But I don't care. Do not ignore me again...Please.''


Nao pinched Macau's shoulder and literally ran away.


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