25 : 🫦

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Kimhan accompanied Porchay to thank mister Nao Tanaka. 

He seemed a little stupid, not as handsome as Kim but maybe nicer. 

''Are you alright, young man?'', worried Nao while he was still wearing his vomit-stained shoes.

''Ye-yeah I am so sorry...So sorry...''. 

Porchay kept apologizing over and over again. 

Without any embarrassment this time, Kimhan slid his hand around Porchay's waist. Chay was sick, so he could pretend that he was just helping his student.

"Professor Nao, please excuse our young student, I'll take him home. He is sick."

Nao nodded and Porchay followed Kim without much protest. 
He was much calmer than usual and in the car a cold atmosphere reigned.

"Porchay? Why were you searching for mister Tan...Chay ?"

The young boy had fallen asleep, he looked really tired and sick.  Kimhan sighed, he drives with caution, he didn't want the young boy to vomit on the floor of his car. 

''Porchay...? Wake up, we are home.''


Kim tried to wake up the young boy, but the latter was sleeping peacefully, his phone fell and Kimhan caught it. 
He then saw the screen light up and a message from Macau :

<< When I told you to go see Mr. Nao, it was to flirt with him, not to vomit on him! 🤢☠️  >>. 

Kim immediately frowned.  His boy?  Flirting with Nao Tanaka?  At the request of his cousin? 
Kim didn't wake Porchay, he carried him in his arms and led him to his bedroom.  Then he dialed his dear cousin's number :


''Yo. That me. Actually, I am Macau the magnificent...but well...What do you want ?''

''What did you say to Porchay?''

Macau laughed, of course, he had suspected that Kimhan was with his friend. 

"It was nothing about you."

"You got him in trouble." 

''You're just his teacher. Don't get ahead of yourself...''

Kim clenched his jaw and he sat down on his couch. 

''Me ? I can control the situation.  But you, I don't know what you're thinking of doing, but this teacher Nao isn't interested in you. Asking Porchay to go flirt with him won't make him fall in love with you either. This is just stupid.''

''That's not the goal.'' replied Macau dryly.  His cousin sighed, as if Kim was really an idiot.  ''Mister Nao thinks I'm in love with Porchay.  I'm trying to prove him wrong.  Plus, it's not your fucking problem.''

Kim arched an eyebrow, he was loosing patience with his dumb cousin :

''He is my boyfriend.''

Macau chuckled. 

"You've known each other for only a week."

Kim hung up in despair at Macau's teasing.
His relationship with Porchay was actually much deeper than that.  He had been spotting the young man for almost five years now, but he hadn't tried anything because Porchay was still a young teenager.
Maybe he would have feel weird about Kim's love at first sight. Alright, he was being too much.


''Oh. You are awake.''

''Hum... I am sorry. I can go back home already, don't worry about me and go back to work !''

Kim looked at the time, he was already to late for his last class. Well, his students would be happy...
He reached for his boy and leaded him on the sofa, next to him.

''Are you feeling better ? You should only worries about your health... If you don't feel good then I don't feel good neither.''

Porchay laughed slightly and he hugged Kim's waist before slowly raising his doe eyes up :

''Don't be so silly, hehe...I am more than fine. Here, keep hugging me like this, mister.''

Kimhan rolled his eyes but he still did. Porchay was way to cute to handle sometimes. His stomach growled and Kimhan smirked :

''Are you hungry, young man ?''

''Hum...I love you.''

Kim was just trying to annoy his boy...but he was now choking on air.
He coughed and looked at his kitchen :

''Ermmm...Alright I just cook...or no..I don't ...Oh..What should I do ?''

''Haha..'' Porchay was having to much fun, he slightly stroked Kim's hair before whispering, ''I am sorry, yes I am hungry. But I am afraid to be sick again...Chay's stomach still hurt a little bit.''

Oh damn.
He was really screwed.
Kim kissed Chay's forehead and he couldn't stop smiling too...His boy loved him.
Alright, sometimes he was being dragged into Macau's mess, but he was still so adorable...

''What do you want to eat ?''

''I don't know..''

Chay tilted his head like a puppy, and he smirked before slowly putting his hand on Kimhan's waist :

''What about...you ?''

Brain off.
What ?
No, no he was joking again...right ?!
Porchay started to giggle like a child and he said :

''Is there anything you would like to eat, P'Kim...?''

''Ohhh...You mean... Alright stop joking. You. Tsk. I am going to sulk for real.''

''Ahah I am sorry, this is so funny...''

Kim grabbed Chay's neck slowly, not wanting to hurt his boy and he kissed him.
A very deep and wet kiss.
He was intoxicated by Porchay's taste.
Porchay's hand went into his hair, and Kim almost purred with pleasure.


''I am gonna eat first...I'll make you food later.''

''Wh-what ?!..''

Kim pushed Porchay under him and he started to devour his boy.
Poor Chay, he didn't know....that Kimhan was starving like a beast.

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