What Have We Here?

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-          Dream lay in his cell bloody and beaten. Quackity had left hours prior, with a smile and bloody tools at his side. Dream was nonresponsive to Sam as he was checked over for life-threatening injuries. A muzzle was locked tight around his face, making it harder to get a good look at the prisoner's face. Quackity had shattered the ugly thing that Dream called a mask almost a year ago. Sam caught his hand on a leash connected to the man's neck by a netherite collar. A leash! Even Sam as the warden would not have gone that far for restraint on a man who did not even move to do life essential actions. Which is why Sam was there. He was trying to get the man to eat or drink after looking over his wounds. He was losing his patience with this pathetic excuse of a man.

           Sam was having a rather bad day starting with having to repair multiple of his builds that had ended up in some accident with a hoard of creepers, or so Tommy says. He then got into an argument with Quackity over letting the man remove limbs from the prisoner. It of course also upset Quackity as he could tell from the state Dream was in. Then he had to fix a redstone issue right before having to then go take care of the prisoner. He really did not have the temper to fight the prisoner to eat today. After a couple more minutes of trying to get the man to eat, he gave up deciding to let him starve tonight. With a stressed sigh the warden headed out of the prison for the night, after locking it up completely. 

-           As the room was quiet, once all the redstone in the building settled, a low noise echoed throughout the cell. The sound was not produced by the prone prisoner, but that of a deity known as DreamXD. He approached the injured male on the floor, his aura darkening, before gently placing a hand on the man's arm. 

"I am sorry I have neglected you." The deity whispered in a soft voice as power began to surround the two.

The two were no longer in the dark cell, but in a field basking in the beautiful colors of the sunset just over a hill. As the deity continued his gaze through the field, the remains of some tents and explosions lay before his eyes. The deity looked down at the body in the flowers. Peace is what this poor man deserved. DreamXD focuses his power on the body, removing ancient ruins that his past self had placed on him many years before. 

              Looking back up from the small body, the deity could see some movement in the distance.

"I apologize for not freeing you sooner, my young admin," DreamXD spoke before his tone deepened.

"I  can not interfere no more. I am sorry Daydream. I wish you luck on your new chapter in life." XD stated before he faded out of sight.

Voices entered the field as what moment the deity was watching turned into three people. The body lay unmoving in the flowers of the field, undisturbed by the noise of the three. 

-              As Dream slept on one of the voices filled the field and became a loud voice. 

"This was Logstedshire! It was blown up by Dream, but that's alright! We can rebuild it and the memories associated with this place!" The voice boomed in excitement. 

"Tommy, are you sure you'll be fine here?" A voice asked timidly.

"Ranboo, Dream is in prison. We just need to make happy memories to replace the bad ones. Right Tubbo?" Tommy turned to ask his friend. 

"Tubbo?" Ranboo asked stepping forward when his husband never answered their friend. 

Tubbo did not respond, but he moved forward. The movement caused the two others to notice the small body in the flowers. 

"What the hell?!" Tommy exclaimed as Ranboo approached the body. 

It was a small child, maybe 9-11 years old, clothes drowning his frame and a muzzle loosely locked to his face. Ranboo knelt next to the child while gently taking the child's wrist into his hand. The size of Ranboo's hand made the child's look like a newborn's hand. He carefully checked the kid's pulse being mindful of his sharper-than-average nails since he was part enderman. 

"He's alive but barely hanging on," Ranboo stated as a frown graced across his face. 

"He has a collar and muzzle." Tubbo gasped out.

             Ranboo gathered the tiny figure into his arms.

"He is very small and underweight. We should bring him to Philza now." Ranboo said looking at the others before he started heading for the nether portal. 

"What about Bad? He's a doctor." Tubbo asked as they caught up to Ranboo. 

"Bad hasn't exactly been himself. Phil has experience with troubled kids. He can help this kid out of whatever he will be going through." Ranboo explained as they hurried through the nether to Technoblade's portal. 

"Phil has been living with Techno while we build Philza's house. Technoblade can protect the kid if whatever or whoever did this comes after him." Ranboo said glancing at the two others when they had reached Techno's portal. 

"You okay Tommy?" Tubbo asked as he shrugged his wool vest off and gently wrapped it around Ranboo's arms to protect the kid from the cold.

"Yeah. I'm fine just confused and worried," Tommy replied before they entered the portal. 

They had stepped onto the house's pathway when the child began to shuffle in Ranboo's arms. 

           Dull emerald green eyes opened and when Ranboo's eyes met them he froze. Ranboo watched the kid as the kid began to take in what was happening. What had terrified Ranboo was that instead of trying to flee and escape a man he didn't know, he tensed waiting for someone to hurt him in some way. Ranboo broke their eye contact before heading up Techno's stairs to his door. Tubbo slipped by him to knock as Ranboo returned to looking the boy over. Technoblade opened the door in a white dress shirt, hair unbraided and down, and an unemotional face. 

"What?" Technoblade asked in a monotone voice staring the group down.

"We need Phil's help. We found him covered in wounds just in some flowers by Logstedshire." Ranboo stressed as he stepped forward gently showing Technoblade the child.

Hurried footsteps could be heard and Ranboo could feel the kid somehow coil his body into an even more tense state. Technoblade was pushed out of the way of the door with a 'bruh' in response. 

"Follow me," Phil spoke quickly after glancing at the child.

"Philza Minecraft. This isn't your house. I'm not adopting an orphan into my home." Technoblade joked as he joined the parade into the house.

Phil laid a bedsheet on the floor before asking Technoblade for some warm water. Tommy was tasked with finding smaller clothes and Tubbo was told to get the medical supplies and first aid kit. Ranboo tried to place the kid in front of Philza, but the kid grabbed and gripped the front of Ranboo's suit. 

"Hey mate, it'll be alright. I'll make the pain go away." Phil tried to get the kid to open up to him but he refused to let Ranboo go making Phil frown slightly.

"That's okay mate. I can care for you while you are in big brother Ranboo's arms!" Phil cheerfully chirped trying to make the child not any more stressed than he already was. 

"You will be okay! Grandpa Phil just wants to take care of you. He won't hurt you, and I'll make sure of it!" Ranboo gently told the child who tensed a little less while letting Ranboo take his tiny hands into his own big ones.

Ranboo was seated in front of Phil who gently began to try and remove the prisoner's clothes. It was not too hard considering they were meant for a grown man and not a child. The only issue was the muzzle and collar. Who would even put a child into prisoner's clothes much less attach a Muzzle and Collar to the poor kid? 

           When Phil went to try and get the muzzle off, the kid panicked. He scrambled out of Ranboo's lap. The kid was headed for the front door. Ranboo and Phil were in the middle of standing up by the time the kid got to the door. Ranboo and Phil watched with dread in their hearts as the kid made his way out the door and ultimately out of their sight.

What did you think about the first chapter? Let me know in the comments! I hope you enjoyed it so far! I will get an update out for chapter two as soon as possible so be ready! 

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