The floofies

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-             Ranboo was sleeping with the kid sleeping on top of him. He woke up to glass shattering making him quickly sit up. Holding the startled kid to his chest, he saw Quackity begin to climb through the window. Ranboo put the kid on the floor behind him. 

"Don't you dare try to harm him!" Ranboo snapped at the man who finished climbing in the window. 

The kid was hugging the back of Ranboo's leg as Ranboo held his sword toward the armored man. 

"What are you going to do? You don't have your armor on and you can only manage to hold me off for so long." Quackity stated smile widening. 

The door opened behind him as Philza and Techno rushed in followed by Tommy and Tubbo. 

"Leave Now Quackity!" Ranboo snarled.

"That kid has something to do with Dream. I'll get him to talk!!" Quackity yelled. 

"By what!? Torturing the poor kid more!" Philza snapped wings flaring in front of Ranboo once he stepped in front of him. 

"I've never tortured anyone! I've never tortured that kid." Quackity retorted face twisting in slight confusion. 

"We've seen your leather brand burned into his shoulder," Technoblade said as he stood next to Philza. 

"Dream." Quackity darkly snarled eyes locked onto the newly found out Dream. 

Dream was too far gone into a panic attack to understand what was happening anymore.

"That kid is Dream. I don't know how but that is Dream. He is going back to prison now!" Quackity snapped eyes narrowing in a warning. 

          Tommy stared frozen at Dream. Dream was far into a panic attack that his nails clawed into his skin. Techno and Philza remained unmoving even after the information. Ranboo remained a few feet in front of Dream, standing guard. Tubbo was looking between Dream and Tommy confused. Philza looked at Quackity with rage.

"You tortured a child!" Phil growled out.

"No no no! He was a grown man! I swear! He had fully developed wings and not fledgling wings." Quackity defended himself. 

Philza froze in his head for a minute before he started trembling in rage.

"He had scars on his back where his wings would be before his winging started. You clipped his wings in prison!" Philza snarled wings puffing up making him look bigger. 

Tubbo suddenly ran behind Ranboo. Dream clawed himself that blood was practically pouring down his arms and he was still clawing himself. Dream's entire body was shaking. Quackity was taken back by Phil's outburst and need to puff up. 

"He has done more than enough to deserve clipping," Quackity stated in anger. 

"No one deserves clipping! He didn't deserve that!" Phil snapped back.

"No one deserves torture either! Just look at him! He is terrified of everyone!" Ranboo yelled at him. 

Quackity looked at Dream. Tubbo held his bloody wrists. He was hugging the kid and rocking him back and forth. Tubbo's hands were bloody as Dream's wings, still covered in fluff, were puffed. At some point, Tommy snapped out of his mindset and was gently running his hands through Dream's hair and fluff. Quackity could still see the angry red marks from the muzzle and collar that he locked onto him. 

"You have five seconds to leave here and never come back. If we see you back here I will take your last canon life. Only warning." Technoblade told Quackity as he stepped forward. 

Quackity rushed right out from where he came. 

          Ranboo, Technoblade, and Philza turned to where Dream was. Tubbo and Tommy were still trying to calm Dream down. Phil approached the three before kneeling down. He gently took Dream's arms from Tubbo and made eye contact with the scared kid. 

"Dream. Calm down Dream. He is gone now." Phil said pulling Dream into his lap gently after sitting down. 

Dream slowly seemed to come back down to earth and register what was actually happening. Phil had opened his arms up for a hug and Dream looked conflicted. Tommy and Tubbo pushed him gently into the hug. Philza wrapped his wings around him, gently rocked him, and held him as Dream began to shake and cry. Everyone watched Phil comfort Dream back to sleep. Phil moved Dream to the bed where they treated his clawing marks. 

"How is that Dream?" Tubbo whispered breaking the silence that formed among the group. 

"Maybe it was his mask? He never took it off. Can enchantments cause body image altercations?" Ranboo asked.

"If it were possible then he would not have all his scars showing with it," Philza added.

"Maybe I can answer some of your questions." A voice resounded throughout the room.

Philza knew this feeling of power was a deity. DreamXD to be exact. The five turned to the Deity who has now made himself known as he sat next to Dream, running a hand through his hair.

"He was a grown man due to my power." The deity explained.

"I met Dream first at this age. I needed an admin who could be on the ground for me but he was too young. He agreed to use body image alteration to make him look and sound older. He did as I asked of him until at some point he wore himself out. A dreamon managed his way into my young admin. I neglected him for three years, letting that dreamon ruin his image. It made everyone hate him and in the end, people broke him."The deity explained. 

"So how did he end up like this?" Tubbo asked.

"I had a memory of Daydream and realized I have not checked up on him in years. I came to him being in the prison. He was chained down, freshly bleeding, and he is blind in one eye. I had failed my admin, who gave his life to me. My admin didn't fail me as I did him." DreamXD explained.

"Please take care of Daydream for me. Give him the life he deserves. There will be challenges and threats but I believe you can still save what is left of him." XD said before he vanished.

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