Sam?! AND Others?!?!

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  Hello, it's your disappointment of an author. I was supposed to update this 3-4 weeks ago. I have been working and taking college classes, so I forget to update my stories in my free time. I was busy live streaming on Twitch but now I actually remembered to update. My Twitch is Phant0mDeku if you'd like to check it out but I mainly play Rainbow Six Siege, Minecraft, or Grounded.

- Phil had to carefully open the door so he did not pinch Dream's wings. As Philza made his way to the kitchen they ran into Techno.

"Morning Techno," Phil said in which Techno threw up a hand in a wave of morning before disappearing into the kitchen.

Dream watched as Technoblade went into the kitchen. Phil looked from the kitchen door to Dream who was still staring.

"He doesn't really talk in the morning. Would you like pancakes for breakfast, mate?" Phil asked Dream.

Dream looked at Phil with his one dulled green eye, which had started to fill with life again, and his milky emerald other eye.

"Baby bird?" Phil asked when Dream didn't answer.

Dream just looked at Phil with no response.

"You know you can talk, mate. You get to be a child. Do what you had missed while helping XD." Phil told Dream.

Techno opened the door before Dream could respond and the smell of food wafted from the kitchen. Techno brought out two plates of pancakes and Phil moved so he can walk past.

"Well, Techno made pancakes! He makes some good pancakes." Phil followed Techno to the table and pulled out the chair.

Philza carefully situated Dream into the chair before he picked up a plate. He placed three pancakes on the plate before placing it in front of Dream. As Phil filled his plate with his own serving of pancakes, Dream remained staring at his own. Techno nudged Phil before heading back into the kitchen.

"Dream, please eat. You don't have to follow any rules anymore. You get to actually be a kid again!" Phil explained to Dream.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo entered the room.

"PANCAKES!!" Tubbo yelled in excitement.

Dream visibly flinched which made Ranboo place a hand on Tubbo's shoulder.

"Did The Blade make those!" Tommy asked but more of stated.

"Yes, he did," Phil said as Dream finally took a small bite.

Philza watched as Dream's face and eyes lit up. A small smile graced his face at the sight. Once Phil finished, he watched as Dream ate his fill. It was not much over a pancake, and Phil was careful not to stare and make Dream uncomfortable.

"You full?" Philza asked Dream.

Dream responded with a small nod. Philza took the plate, and as he was walking passed Tommy, he slide the two remaining pancakes onto his almost empty plate. Techno came from the kitchen as Phil passed with another plate of pancakes. As Phil was cleaning his and Dream's plates, Techno slide five pancakes onto his plate before placing it in the middle for the ravenous teens to finish off. Phil dried his hands off before entering the dining room. He gently ran his hands through Dream's fluff, making Dream freeze up. When Dream realized who was touching his wings he relaxed. Phil looked outside to see the weather, which was one of the nicest days for the frozen tundra.

"It's nice out today, do you want to go outside and play in the snow?" Phil asked him.

Dream seemed to contemplate the question before nodding quickly. 

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