The job search 2021

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"I have got my studying to do and then practice in the hospital so you need to be on top of everything. The kids, the house... all of it. And given that I get just a small grant and accommodation, if you wish to have your pocket money and to buy something for yourself you need to work. You need something flexible around the kids' schedule and also around my duties." Ishara didn't mince words. She has always been down to earth, studying and working hard. A true no nonsense type. Deen liked this in her. She could sound a bit bossy but he knew it is just her needing to know that everything is under control. He would not ever like to disappoint her.
"Darling, no problem. Focus on your work and college and I will take care of the rest. Given that I have a student spouse's visa I can work as much as I like".
"Yes you can unlike me. I can only do 20 hours of paid work."
"Having a husband is a blessing isn't it!" he quipped.
"Blessing for sure but sometimes I need more from the blessing Deen. I really can not help you financially if you want something extra like motorbike or car. And I don't want us to stay here when the holiday period comes. I wish we travel around a bit. Hence we need more money, love."
"Don't worry! Tomorrow I will look for something suitable. I need a flexible job and in London jobs galore so don't worry sweetheart."
The job search began the next day after Deen dropped the kids from school.
"How long have you been a charity worker, Sir?"
"5 years since I finished university in Pakistan".
"Ok we will keep your details and be in touch with you when something suitable comes up".
The job search couldn't be easier.
Every employer sounded so polite and eager to help. They all asked for CV and promised to call if they have a suitable position. After 20 sent CVs Deen felt tired and satisfied at the same time. He felt like a hunter who has released several hounds and was patiently waiting for them to come back with mouths full of prey.
He did all that in less than a day but it was time for the school run so some take away food was in order.
"I want Turkish chicken kebab and vegetarian musaka please."
"Yes sir. It will be with you soon".
He relaxed in the chair by the desk and suddenly the alarm rang, rattling him before he could even drift away for a few minutes. It was time for the kids.
"What happen today with your job hunt?"
"Perfect! All of them asked for my CV and will call me asap. And you ?"

"Well, it was the first orientation day and I looked at what we will study and it turns out I studied a lot of it already in the nursing school."
" Not bad! This means less time for you studying as the material is not completely new."
"Yes. What kind of job are you looking for? You have experience with people. Any charity work"
"That's it. And I think soon they will call me back. London offers so many opportunities!".
Next day Deen waited by the phone trying to focus on the book he started reading "How I made $2000000 dollars on the stock market?". It read a bit like fantasy but also often it sounded realistic . Then a week gone but the phone was quiet and the email box empty some other emails unrelated to work. No calls. He called a few more charities and duly emailed them his CV.
"May be I worry too much. Relax Deen! It's been only a week you have been looking for work" he thought.
"It's been a month and a half Deen. Something is wrong. You need to look for something different to charity worker. If they call you- great! But don't be like sitting on your hands. Take things in them hands. Get any job and start working."
"Ishara, yes- no worries. You don't need to even say this. I am already looking for "anything". And I got an interview tomorrow."
"What is it ?"

"Pizza delivery"
"Pizza delivery? Hah. Ok, it's a job."
"Yea. And I can be flexible and work when I can".

"" pizza delivery... I guess I shouldn't expect more at this point. Only to start earning something. Only if it is a regular income... I know what to do with my money. I know Joseph's rule. Only I will double it. Instead of saving and investing 20%  of my income I will...""
"Deen let's agree you contribute 50% to the family budget and you keep the rest to yourself. Buy yourself a nice suit, several of them, a car .. prepare for the next job when it comes. I think we can manage fine with £800 contribution from you."
"Yes Ishara. That's what I thought. I have some ideas about the rest."
He knew the story of the good old Joseph from the book of Genesis.  The grand vizier of Egypt kept 20% from the rich harvest for 7 years. Latter, when famine struck the country, he was ready to sell, barter or invest his stocked up commodity. He became the richest person alongside his boss- the Pharaoh.
Deen knew that this scheme works. He believed in it. It seemed very sound. He wanted to try it out and now, living in London, with some small but secure spare income, he was going to put his ideas to the test.

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