As we reincarnate over and over again I can't help but hope you'll remember me.

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As we reincarnate over and over again I can't help but hope this time you'll remember me.

Siomon's prov.

I'm going, to be honest, this is not how I thought I'd die again. Now that I'm thinking about it, this has got to be one of the weirdest ways to start any kind of conversation.

To explain my situation I guess I should start with a few facts. one of those facts being that I have lived around sixty thousand different lives, and so has the love of my life Baz.

Oh, and another one is we also have a friend called Penny who just happens to weirdly be immortal ( though I'm still not entirely sure how.) We had met her in our first life and she pretty much just stuck with us science then. She was really glad that she finally had friends to spend near eternity with. She has a tendency to be my voice of reason in my completely mental step one, then improvise plans.

Unfortunately the first six reincarnations I had honestly thought I hated Baz, as I had completely lost my memory of our first life. So I of course had ended up blaming Baz for everything that caused me any amount of annoyance.

I have to say, the amount of times we ended up killing each other isn't funny. I'm not going to lie, most of the times I had killed him, it had been a complete accident. The others were a very calculated plan that had been made by Penny as she found this whole thing hilarious. It had taken Penny six lifetimes to convince me I was in fact In love with Baz.

The reason both Baz and I have lived so many lives is due to a curse from the Mage who unfortunately turned out to be my Father. This makes the fact we ended up killing each other in the end a little more twisted.

During our first life, he had been a king and I had been his adopted heir. He had killed the previous queen, who had been Baz's mum. He had disguised himself as a loving father who I had been devoted to and would do almost anything for, but then he asked me to kill Baz as he feared the truth would come out. I flat-out refused to and very soon I started to see the very cynical king he had become.

He refused to understand why I wouldn't kill Baz as he would say my love for Baz was a poor excuse and decided that he would punish me. So he planned to put a curse upon Baz and me.

The curse was supposed to be that I would start off having no memory of Baz and would hate him for the first few years to come, but eventually, I would regain it all. Baz, however, would never remember our past lives together. That is until one of us dies and utters the now very familiar phrase: 'I'll see you soon my love, as we reincarnate over and over again I can't help but hope this time you'll remember me.'

We would have been cursed to live forever and with each reincarnation, we would be forced to realize how many more friends we have lost, and how we would never see them again. We would be forced to see one another die and have to live out the rest of that life without them. The worst thing is I would be forced to constantly be stuck at square one with Baz and nothing I do could change it.

However, the mage screwed this up big time and accidentally cast it upon himself as well, so the cures had ended up being only half complete meaning the reincarnations had been evenly split between the three of us. There had also been a cruel twist added to this curse, which was that we will always die by the thing that killed us in our first life. For example, if I choked to death on a slice of cake, in the next life I will die by eating cake. The other thing is we do actually have a limit on how many lives we have. Unfortunately, I have no clue how many lives we have until we are permanently dead.

I get so annoyed when I think back to our first life as we had thought so fiercely to take him down so the kingdom could be finally free. Penny, Baz, and I had all gone to the castle to confront him. We had come into the throne room to see him standing over the dead body of my friend Annabeth Petty, he claimed he needed her power in order to rid the world of its evil.

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