You were always far too trusting, you really should have seen this coming.

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Chapter 3: Oh Simon you were always far too trusting, you really should have seen this coming. Chapter Text

Story three.

Oh Simon you were always far too trusting, you really should have seen this coming.

Simon's prov.

I was the one to discover them. It was honestly funny to think no one else was able to find them as they had searched for days, the only conclusion they had all come up with was they had run away. I never thought that though, I knew them better than that and I searched tirelessly to find them knowing they were most likely in danger. I wasn't wrong, I was just far too late to stop the danger.

They were all in the wavering woods but only two people were laying on the ground whilst dust surrounded them. They both had a broken cross necklace which I instantly recognized to have been mine. The wood on this side of the forest was chard to the ground to the point where almost nothing but ash surrounded us.

I looked at the two people on the ground, Aggie, the one who was supposed to be my end game but decided that she hadn't wanted to be a part of that, next to her laid Pen my best friend and the one who should have been the chosen one.

Oddly their skin was completely unblemished from the fire that must have taken place. Honestly if it wasn't for a lack of a pulse I would have thought they were asleep. I had originally come to this conclusion only to have it shatter away. It was heartbreaking to know that there were only two bodies lying here when three people had died.

I never thought I would grow to love Baz, he was my arch enemy who always had a sneer and a comeback for everything I said, who I thought had plotted to kill me and pushed me down the stairs, who had loved me since fifth year and finally admitted it to me. Yet all that remained of our memories were now just ash and dust. The only conclusion I have come to is that Baz must have been in the woods when the fire started. I felt a part of myself crack away when I realised they were all dead. It seemed this world just wanted me to suffer.

I laughed like a maniac at first. I laughed at how cruel the situation was until finally my mind had gone completely blank. No emotions rushed through me any longer, no anger, no agony, nothing. My brain had finally let its self defence mechanism kick in.

My magic on the other hand had become a raging world pool that completely surrounded everything but the two people left on the forest floor. It howled in pain tearing apart the remains of the trees and anything that stood in its path. The heat of my magic grew incredibly intense to the point I felt I was burning alive but I couldn't bring myself to care neither could I bring myself to stop it. Black spots started to fill my vision and I finally blacked out.

When I woke up I found cuts all over my body and my leg to be broken. Surrounding me was a crater that had been made by me going off. Still I felt nothing as I slowly made my way to the mage not caring how my leg kept flooding with pain every time I stood on it. Not thinking about who I was leaving behind in the wavering wood.

Eventually I reached the Mages office and barged straight in. He instantly looked to me and his eyes widened.

'Simon what happened to you?' His voice filled with concern.

I ignored his question and just replied with an emotionless, 'their dead.'

'What, what are you talking about Simon?' the usual frustration started to creep its way into his voice.

'I found Bazzilton , Penny and Agather. They are all dead sir.' I told him all that happened.

The mage let out a dramatic sigh and rolled his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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