Chapter 38

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Yun soared through the air, ducking through the crisscrossing tree branches and vines that blocked her way. She couldn't afford to spare even a glance to look back to check, as that would cost her to fly right into something in front of her, which would give her pursuers a chance to catch up.

They had came out of nowhere and started attacking her while she was around, a group of male Immortals, all dressed in black. They had their face covered, except for their eyes, which made it impossible for Yun to recognize them.

The only advantage that she had right now was that she was more familiar with this forest than they were, assuming that they had not mapped out the whole forest that is. As long as they did not catch her in sight, she still had methods to shake them off.

What perplexed her the most was how they managed to get on the Viridescent Isle for this however.

A loud whistle cut through the air, and Yun's body tilted immediately, feeling a pocket of air cut through her sides. She fixated her gaze on it, and saw that it was a green arrow.

A puzzled look flashed through her face at it, but her eyes widened in shock as the arrow seemed to uncoil, and whooshed towards her.

She threw her arms outwards, pulling herself back as fast as she possibly could.

The green thing lashed out in the air, snapping continuously towards her. It seemed like some sort of a vine, but there were thorns, unmistakably thorns that protruded from its fat body.

Whipping her arm forwards, she lashed out strong gusts of wind towards it continuously, putting distance between it and her.

Another loud whistle sliced through the air, but before she could react this time, the arrows uncoiled into lashing whips of vines and curled around her legs. They went taut, and suddenly she was pulled downwards at a high speed.

The wind whipped in her ears and she tried to push herself up with a concentrated gust of air, but the vines on her feet were unrelentless and fought against the air, which made her feet feel like they were being tore off her body.

With a yell, she succumbed to the pain and went sailing downwards onto the ground, hitting it back first. Pain spread throughout her whole body as she arched her back, gasping for air. Black and white shot throughout her vision.

The air was split again by several loud whistles. And this time, she felt something curl around her wrists and her ankles, before tightening and biting into her flesh. She yelled in surprise and pain, trying to wriggle her way out of them. However, she soon discovered the more that she moved, the tighter the vines dug into her body.

"It's a pleasure seeing you struggle."

Yun stopped, the voice immediately registering shock in his mind. She tilted her head to look at upwards, at the upside-down silhouette that was Biyu. In her arms, she could make out a bow made of green vines, curling up her arm. In another quiver slung around her hips, arrows protruded from them.

"I suppose doing this myself was the best choice, the others seemed very incompetent in chasing down a single girl." She pulled out another arrow, and slung it.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to teach you a lesson." The twigs on the ground snapped and creaked as Biyu walked closer. Her pulse quickened, and she wondered if she should straightaway pull her hand out of the thorns. Her powers would heal her, that is if her hands did not fall off first.

Breathing in, she tugged at the vines as hard as she could feeling it dig through her flesh. But before she could free herself, the vines buried itself into the ground, fastening her limbs completely. A whimper escaped her clenched teeth, as she inhaled and exhaled, trying to ease the pain. The wounds that were slowly healing before tore open again, and the raw flesh had to start over healing again.

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