36: I Thought I Knew You

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“One week left, Kennie!” Isabella squealed as we walked through the hallways. "Just one week and we'll know who the new prefects are!"

I smirked at her as we passed block A, headed for the hostels. "You sound more excited than I do."

"That's because I know my best friend is one of the prefects, heck, maybe even Head Girl." She hit my back as we entered the hostel gates proudly, skipping a junior as they scrambled for the prep room. "I bet when you're a prefect, you'll try and reduce the amount of hours we have in terms of prep."

I shook my head. "That's wishful thinking, you know that right?"

"I mean you can try," she urged, going up the stairs. "Especially if you're the Holden Girl; don't you think it would be better for you to at least try?"

"I see you want the teachers to hate me," I mumbled. "When I become a prefect, we'll see."

"You're counting your chickens before they hatch, aren't you?" A voice interrupted us, and we turned around to find Audrey walking towards us,  standing right in the middle of the hallway of our floor. "You'll be surprised to find out you're not one of us."

"Who said you'll make it?" I scoffed.

"Who said I won't? As far as I know, I'm pretty sure I'm on the list Kendall," she proudly claimed. "Isn't that right, Sofie?"

Like some dark angel, Sofia emerged from the shadows, her phone in hand. "I mean, we heard that we're on the list, so don't celebrate too early, Kendall."

"What is this? An ambush?" I groaned, pulling Isabella. "Come on, let's go."
As we began to walk away, Sofia whistled lowly. "You know, you and Yas had us fooled for a good minute."

I stopped in my tracks, turning towards her. "What did you just say?"

"I really thought they were a couple," Audrey added, smirking at me. "Too bad that they had to lie just to get to a better place on the social rankings."

"Don't engage, Kendall," Isabella encouraged me. "They're just messing with you."

"Really? Since when did you know enough about your best friend to even convince her that we're messing with her? She knows what we're talking about, right Kendall?" Audrey continued while I sighed. "I'm sure she hasn't told you yet."

Isabella glared at me. "Told me what?"

"There's nothing I haven't told you, Isa, you know this–"

"Kennie dearest was trying to–"

"To what, Audrey? Finish that sentence," I threatened her. "There's nothing that you can possibly come up with that could turn her against me."

"You're right," she admitted. "But you know where you're wrong?"


"Your relationship with Yasmina." Sofia chuckled. "We all know it was fake. Everything, fake. The dates? Fake. Pictures? Fake. All I want you to do is admit it, and we'll leave you alone."

"You're funny if you think I'll admit to it."

"It's not like the recording we made of you talking to your sister will go out to the school; no big deal." Audrey shrugged. "Everyone will know you queer baited, forced a straight girl to–"

"She isn't even straight."

"Kendall, if you continue talking…that's how they find your weakness,"  Isabella warned me.  "It's just better to shut up because honestly, they're trying to get on your nerves and I see where this is going."

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