10 | Dani

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The knock comes at precisely six o'clock.


I hide my grin as I walk towards the cafe door, knowing he can see me through the clear glass, his eyes dipping down my figure almost hungrily.

I stop, part of me wanting to make the man wait, just a bit.

I open the door slowly, checking over my shoulder to make sure everything is in its place before stepping out into the warm night air, daylight still soaking the skies.

Vincent smiles at me, "you look gorgeous."

I glance down at the dress I'd chosen, one I'd had in my closet for a while but never wore, never having an occasion.

It's a cream shade, halter neck with a frilly, feminine bust, cinched at my waist and flowing out into a sunny midis dress, sandals on my feet and silver jewellery.

I let my eyes sweep down Vincent, taking in the dark button up he wears, and dark jeans, the steel cap boots a finishing touch that I'm not used to on the buttoned up detective.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I hum, hooking my hand through his arm as he begins to lead us down the street.

He smells like smoke and pear, a slightly peppery tone to the scent.

The afternoon is still bright, most of the shops along the strip had closed, just like me, but some still stayed open. Like the gelato shop that had just opened, a teenager manning the counter with her phone in hand.

People roamed the streets, families out and about and Vincent led us through all of them, until finally he stopped at a car.

He opened the door for me, waving me in.

"My mother taught me never to get in a car with a stranger." I look up at him through my lashes, smiling when he narrows his.

"I wouldn't call us strangers, Dani." He steps closer, lifting a hand to swipe the corner of my lips. "Not when I've had these."

I suck in a loose breath and Vincent steps back, motioning me inside, waiting until I'm buckled to shut the door and round the car.

He slips inside and starts the car and I watch out of the corner of my eyes as one hand moves to the steering wheel and the other to the gear stick before he directs us out of the parking spot and towards the outskirts of town.

Music thrums happily from the speaker, and my shoulders relax, glancing out the window at the passing view, seeing the movie theatre Paisley and I used to visit when we were children. The park where I first met Johnny as a teenager.

"How are you liking living in Keller Bay?"

I blink, pulling my attention away from the town that took too much from me towards the man beside me and I shrug.

"Feels like home." I quip Vincent grins,

"You ever visited Levan?"

"That's the next town over right?" I shake my head, "I haven't done much exploring."

Vincent nods, "yeah, it's the next town. It's where I grew up actually."

"Really, what made you move?"

"Work. What about you? Where'd you grow up?"

"In the city," I say with little explanation, "threw a dart at the map and ended up here. It hasn't been too bad."

He laughs and I glance out the window for a second. "So, is Levan where you're taking us?"

He glances to me with a smile and a nod and I narrow my eyes. "And where exactly are you taking me?" I tilt my head. "You're not a murderer are you?"

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