3 | Dani

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Savannah's death was on the news the next day. Labelled a home invasion gone wrong.

This town would do anything to keep its pristine reputation even if that meant hiding a killer on the loose.

It was all anyone had been able to talk about, the home invasion, until another death rocked the town, and then people started paying attention.

It took two days for the news to break that Savannahs death wasn't just a home invasion, but the first of two murders by the same person.

The second guy deserved it but I didn't take my time with him, he wasn't worth the energy. Some low life lackey of Johnny's. I remember seeing him at parties, handing out favours. Honestly I'd probably taken a few from him in my time at Johnny's parties, let the drugs run through my system until I forgot who I was.

I twist the knob on the machine, letting the hiss of steam fill the silence that had formed between my ears and blink, focusing back on the customer talking to me.

"So sad what the word has become these days, to kill for sport." An elderly woman says with a resigned sigh, tapping her manicured nails on the palm of her hand. "So, so sad."

"It really is." I agree, finishing up her coffee and ignoring the news coverage behind me as they switch onto another subject, something about stocks. "To kill for no reason."

Gail nods her head with a sigh, "hope they catch the guy soon."

I nod my head in agreement and slide her coffee towards her, giving her a cookie on the house.

A blush forms on her cheeks as she takes the oatmeal cookie, "how'd you know these were my favourite?"

I smile, not telling the woman that we used to be neighbours and she used to look after my sister and I when our foster parents disappeared.

"Lucky guess."

She grins and walks off, skirt swishing around her ankles.

A man holds the door open for her, ever the gentleman and I tilt my head, watching the way Vincent's arm flexes beneath his white button up, the sleeves rolled to his elbows.

My eyes trace his chest as he focuses on Gail, using the opportunity to really understand what about this man makes me tick.

Vincent makes his way inside, a wrinkle forming between his brows.

"You look like you need a shot."

His blue eyes come to rest on mine, a smile smoothing his features.

"Espresso or tequila?"

I grin, "take your pick."

He laughs and leans against the counter, looking over the other patrons.

"Quiet Tuesday?

"You could say that." I say, "and it's Thursday."

He lifts a hand and rubs the back of his neck. "Thursday already? Fuck I'm losing track of my days."

"They have you working too hard at the precinct."

He laughs and shakes his head. "Well, if this serial murderer would just take a break, that would be nice."

I blink, "you're on the 'Painters' case?"

His brows furrow, "how'd you know about it?"

I laugh, feeling foolish for being so obvious. "I like true crime."

He grins and shakes his head, "the worst kind."

"Hey." I laugh, "I take offence to that."

He only smiles wider, wrinkles forming beside his eyes.

He nods, flexing his neck side to side. "Yep, they need the best." He flashes me a wink.

I let myself laugh, fixing him a coffee. "Did you want a donut, on the house." I say.

He tips his chin with a wonky smile, "well, if you insist."

I grab his donut and hand it over before finishing his coffee.

"Can you make that two?"

I move my gaze to his. "That bad?"

"Nah, I'm meeting someone here."

"Oh." I straighten and nod. "Yeah, okay. Same as yours?"

"Extra shot." He answers and turns his gaze to the door.

I refrain from looking at whoever enters, making the coffee and busying my mind until a smooth voice interrupts my chaotic thoughts.

"Well, if it isn't the girl of my dreams."

I look up to see Vincent shove the other man, shaking his head yet his eyes hold a hard look.

The other man only laughs and moves closer. "I'm sure Vinnie has mentioned me."


Vincent shakes his head and looks to me with wide eyes but I can't help the grin on my face.

"Names Enzo, but you can call me da-"

"Fuck off, Enzo."

Enzo laughs, the sounds a rough chuckle. His dark hair falls into equally dark eyes, sharp features the type you could cut yourself with.

"You must be Dani. I have heard a lot about you."

I flick my eyes towards Vincent to see him staring daggers at his friend. "Oh, have you now. I haven't heard anything about you."

He lifts a hand to his heart, feigning a wound. "I'm shattered, I thought for sure Vincent would tell his little baker about the man of her dreams."

I roll my eyes at the playful man.

"Are you going to take your coffee or am I going to throw it out." I look down at the to go cup, drawing his eyes down.

"It's mine." He says smoothly, "I'll take it however you give."

"Oh, for fu-" Vincent cuts off and takes his friend by the shoulder, dragging him away. "Sorry Dani."

"Enjoy your night, guys."

"Oh, I will." Enzo's voice trails off as Vincent drags him away and out the door, but I feel both of their eyes on me through my shop window.

Which I ignore.

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