7 | Dani

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The carpet squelches under the weight of my body, blood spilling from the woven fabric, much like the string of fate that brought me here.

I twirl the paint brush in between my fingers, stalking close tan closer to the man that ripped everything from me.

He stares at me with fear, resignation deep in the bottomless pits of his eyes as if he knows what waits for him on the other side.

I hope it hurts like hell.

His fear permeated a the air like a too strong perfume, tingling the hair in my nostril with its potency yet I don't recoil, I breath deeper, soaking in it, breathing it in.

I want to live here forever, in this time and place.

With Johnny staring at me like I'm going to rip him to shreds just to mould him back together and do it again, then place little bits of him in statues that I'll hang up all over town so they never forget.

The thought had crossed my mind.


A voice pierces my subconscious and I glance up, blinking out of the daydream and staring into Enzo's eyes.

"Sorry, did I scare you out of your head?" Enzo lifts a brow, his mouth lifting at the corners.

A laugh slips out of me, unbidden. "You can't scare me." I smile, though I can't help the slightly manic look to my grin and judging by Enzo's returning smile, he's not deterred.

He narrows those gorgeous eyes of his and leans closer on the counter, the smell of his cologne wafting towards me.

Woody and Smokey, with a hint of pepper.

"Too bad, I could use a little damsel in my life." He quips.

I raise a challenging brow back. "Sounds a little desperate to me."

A laugh dips out of him and he shakes his head, lifting a hand to his heart.

"You wound me." He says lowly, "Vincent's got his work cut out for him."

"Does he?" I tilt my head and lean forward, unable to help my draw towards the man, or his friend.

Vincent walks through the door and my eyes are instantly drawn to him. He looks towards us, lifting a questioning brow towards Enzo before looking to me.


I smile, "nice of you to show up, just the usual?"

He nods, his smile grateful.

I look towards Enzo, "and you?"

He winks, "black, like my heart before I met you."

I roll my eyes, "you're an idiot."

He rears back like I've slapped him but his grins is full of amusement. "Damn, you're a hard woman to please."

I start on their coffees, ignoring the silent communication between the two men, even as I feel their attention slide to me.

"So what were you daydreaming about?" Enzo splits the silence and I look towards him, my hand spawning on the machine for a moment.

I sigh and force a shrug, "just planning, you know, life." I turn my attention fully towards both of them. "How's the case?"

Enzo whispers his eyes towards Vincent. "You're not meant to tell civilians about the case."

Vincent rolls his eyes. "It's on the news, dickhead. Everyone in the god forsaken town knows I'm the lead detective on the case."

I look between the two, "I thought you were both investigating? Aren't you partners?"

Enzo sighs, like the whole world has just dropped onto his shoulders.

"No matter how many times I've tried to tie this stallion down, he's a free man." He lifts a brow at me, "maybe you could give him a ride and he'll finally settle."

Vincent swears viscously under his breath, his frustration with Enzo evident yet I just laugh.

"You know what I meant." I say through a smile.

Enzo chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm not Vincent's partner, I work . . . solo, under the radar - and sometimes I help the precinct." He adds.

"So you're a criminal with a boner for the police?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "Wow, Dani."

He doesn't answer the question before turning those eye of his onto me. "So when are you going to let Vincent take you on a date?"

I look towards the man of the house before pinning Enzo with a look. "He's got you in on it to does he?"

He shrugs, "unless you'd rather I take you?"

I look between the two, a glint in my eye. "I've never had  two men fighting over me before, could be one for the memory box." I quip, and hand them their coffees.

"We're not fighting over you." Vincent mutters low, looking at me like I'm a full course and he's a starving man.

I clear my throat but Enzo speaks and then my head hollows out, white noise the only thing I hear.

"He's right, he's just gotta learn to share."

Vincent snaps a glare towards Enzo, his eyes saying something he won't voice and I blink back into the conversation as someone enters the cafe and the little bubble the three of us had found ourselves in, pops.

I clear my throat, "you guys should probably be heading off."

Vincent back straightens, his eyes looking at me in concern and he snaps at Enzo to go to the car.

It takes Enzo a second of looking at me slowly before he nods and walks off, whistling under his breath like he hasn't a care in the world.

"Dani-" Vincent starts but I cut him off.

"You can take me on a date." I smile, looking into his eyes and seeing the wild surprise there.

It takes him a second to reply and it only makes me smile more, my stomach rioting.

He clears his throat, "Are you free tonight?"

I shake my head, "I have a paint and sip class tonight-" I see his brows furrow, "I organise a paint and sip every Saturday."

He nods, "what about tomorrow?"

I nod, "I'm free after four." Sundays are the only day the cafe opens at midday and closes by four. Mondays I'm closed.

"I'll pick you up at six for dinner?"

Leaving me plenty of time to get ready, I nod.

The blasting of a horn fills the space between us and he's jaw ticks before he rolls his eyes skyward before looking back to me. He smiles and dips his chin. "I gotta head out but I'll see you tomorrow night, have a good one, Dani."

"You too." I say softly and watch him leave.

Then I promptly curse myself for having a crush on the lead detective for the murders I'm committing.

And flirting with the devilish best friend.

If my task doesn't kill me, I'm sure those two will find a way.

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