9 | Dani

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Vincent stands once I call time out on the lesson, avoiding his eyes like I have been the whole time he'd been posed for us.

He secures the sheet around his body, the only thing between him and the eyes of the woman around me, a thin sheet keeping his dignity intact.

A riot may start if that sheet drops.

I clear my throat and call out, directing the ladies to the exit though some linger, with eye like hungry lionesses narrowed in on their prey of the night.

I look towards Vincent. "Cmon, you can get changed in the closet." I look back at the ladies with a raised brow, "we won't be giving anyone a free show."

Susie, a regular and a lady nearing her sixties groans, her grey eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"C'mon, Dani. Let a woman have her fun."

"Aren't you married?" I chastise softly, a joking tone to my voice.

She smiles cheekily, "I can look, I just can't touch."

I cross my arms over my chest and shake my head. "Well you can't look either." 

Her brows rise until they're almost touching her hairlike and she grins. "Oh I see."

My hands drop and I shake my head, "no, I didn't mean-" I cut off seeing that I won't be able to sway their thoughts and point to the door. "I'll see you next Saturday."

I ignore the two men who stay behind, their eyes on my back.

The ladies file out, chattering and chittering between each other and I know, come lunch tomorrow that half, if not, most of the towel will know about tonight and form their own opinions.

And judging by the lady's lit up gazes , that opinion will be that I'm apparently stating one of these men.

A town like this, news travels quickly.

I shake my head and lock the door as the last person leaves, turning to face the two men staring at me and see that Bincent has gotten dressed, his trying users on once more and his button up thrown over his shoulder, yet left unbuttoned.

The look suits him and I curse myself all over again for fishing it hot.

I avoided their eyes and start packing up the supplies.

"You guys can go now, you don't have to stay."

"Like I said earlier," Vincent says, "my mother raised my a gentlemen and I will be helping you pack up."

I look over my shoulder at him and shrug, "fine, I guess I can put you both to work, and if you leave here sweaty and panting it's not my fault."

Enzo's lip kicks up at the side and he muses, "oh, I beg to differ."

I point to the easels. "You can take them."

I collect the pile of brushes and paint and place them in the bucket before walking for the stairs. The two of them walking behind me.

I take the stairs slow, telling myself it's so I don't embarrass myself by tripping up my own staircase but really it's because I can feel their eyes on me and part of me wants to give them a show.

I reach the top of the stairs, turning to look over my shoulder to see the two with their heads practically together, scheming.

"What are you two gossiping about?"

Both pairs of eyes come to rest on me. "Nothing."

I narrow my eyes. "Hmm."

I continue towards my painting room and place the bucket down, turning to direct Vincent and Enzo where to place the easels but stop short when I see Vincent informs of me, his chest still bare with the button up hanging off him.

It is quite the sight.

I drag my gaze up his chiselled chest towards his face to see that molten lava is back.

He lifts a hand and wipes my cheek, red paint coming back on his thumb.

"Ezra, I think there something for you to do downstairs." Vincent says without looking back at Ezra.

I glance over his shoulder to see Ezra's wolffish grin. "No I think there's something for me to do right here."

My chest aches.

"Later." Vincent practically growls out and then Ezra is fading back and away from the room, his steps echoing down the stairs as he makes his way down them.

"You know you're taking me on a date tomorrow right?" I whisper, transfixed in his gaze but needing to say something to distract myself before I throw myself at him.

"I have come to the realisation, Dani, that when it comes to you, I'm selfish."

I glance to his lips.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?"

He smirks, "If I start, I may not stop at one."

"Just fucking kiss me."

He does, the kiss slow and sweet and sensual.

His hand moves to my hair, twisting the strands in between his fingers as he holds me to him.

My hands lift, resting on the heat of his chest, the muscles flexing under my touch.

I'd never been kissed like this, like the person kissing me thought I was precious and not some commodity to be dealt with, sold and bent to their will.

His hands move to my hips, fingers digging into the flesh before he moves lower, scooping under my thigh until he's lifting me against his chest, and my legs are wrapping around his hips.

The kiss turns heavy, something primal seeming to take over.

A throat clears and my eyes snap open, staring over Vincent's shoulder at Enzo as Vincent's head drops against my neck and he grunts something unintelligible.

"Sorry to interrupt." Ezra grins, his eyes heavy on mine.

"You don't sound very sorry," Vincent snaps and Ezra laughs.

Vincent's head drops back, his neck exposed to my greedy eyes before he shifts me until I'm dropping slowly down his body, feeling every indent of his muscles, every flex and hard place.

Said hard place rests against my lower stomach when I'm back on my own two feet and Vincent glances down at me, wiping my lips slowly, pulling at the flesh with heavy lidded eyes.

"Tomorrow." He says it like a promise and I give him a slight nod.

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