5 | Dani

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I'd learnt that things had changed since I'd last lived in this town.

Learnt the Johnny and his merry men of misfits no longer had free rein, that another, more powerful gang had moved in, Devils of the bay.

The turf war had apparently lasted two years before it dwindled down, and now they lived side by side, on the one requirement.

They stopped killing each other.

Too bad I wasn't part of that little agreement.

Word had spread that the new gang was being blamed for Johnny's men's deaths. And that a turf war was on the horizon.

Too bad, so sad.

The tick of the clock, drowned out slightly by the soft music playing from the radio fills my ears, the bell above the door way signalling my last customers entrance and I look up with a smile, seeing one of my regulars.

"Hey, Lucy." I wave, "mocha?"

She shakes her head. "I'm not getting anything, just thought I'd pop in and ask if you were still doing the paint and sip tomorrow night? My sister in law is in town and she wanted to check it out."

I nod my head, "yep, five til nine."

"Perfect!" She waves, "thanks Dani, I'll see you in the morning for that mocha though." She laughs. "Have a good one."

I wave her away and walk around the counter towards the door, readying to close up.

The snick of the lock is loud in the empty shop and I let out a sigh, shoulders dropping before lifting a hand to turn the sign to closed.

I stop, fingers hovering mid air when I catch the man staring at me from across the road, leant against the brick wall like a statue.

I wave at Enzo, tilting my head at him but he only straightens from his spot and stalks off, shoulders tense.

I watch him turn the corner before I finish closing up and make my way to the stairs leading to my apartment above the shop.

My feet drag behind me, exhaustion pulling at me but when I remember what I'm doing tonight I'm invigorated.

I stalk through my room like a wraith on a mission before slipping into the bathroom and then the shower, washing away the smell of pastry and coffee beans.

The fogged up reflection of myself is unrecognisable, so much about me very different from the girl I was.

My hair for one, no longer did I lighten it blonde with pink streaks, now it sat just below my shoulders in dark waves. My eyes were still hazel, though the light had dimmed drastically.

My nose? That was new.

I could never get rid of my eye colour though, I had tried, with contacts and even went so far as to have a consult to change them but I couldn't go through with it. They were too much like Paisley, the last thing I really had of her. Even if they didn't look alive anymore. I guess that was the one thing i really had in common with her still.

A startled laugh bursts from my lips at the thought and I rip my eyes from my reflection to find my clothing for the night, braiding my hair back tightly as I do.

My fingers work deftly, securing my thick hair away from my face before I reach for the copper wig and pin it in place.

There was a spot that Johnnys friends frequently visited,  a strip club called 'Lovers Quarrel', and Friday nights were always themed.

Tonight's was Buckle Bunny Babes and I had come prepared. 

I slip the lace bra on, the fabric itching against my skin but I hardly notice it, too busy staring at the way my tits seem to touch my chin. Huggins I adjust the look before finding it useless and moving to the shorts. slipping into the shortest pair of denim shorts I found and then the roughed up cowboy boots from the thrift store. My denim is so short it makes my long legs seem endless and I've gotta say even I would fuck me.

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