five: one chance

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1 month passed. jungkook was washing grapes in the tap, being in his and taes kitchen. he woke up 20 minutes ago and decided to eat something, he never was a morning person but after the car accident he had a problems with sleep because of the sudden flashbacks still coming to his head making him feel like a total mess.

taehyung slowly left their bedroom and meanwhile whipping eyes walked closer to jungkook, mumbling in deep voice "good morning" he wrapped arms around jks middle, putting chin onto his shoulder "why are you awake so early?", "and why are you?" jungkook snapped back not really paying attention to taehyung back hugging him.

"sorry, I can't sleep when you aren't near me" taehyung whispered softly, only wanting to again kiss jungkook in the kitchen like he used to do in the morning before the accident. jungkook simply hummed meanwhile taehyung continued "by the way, while we are here um talking" turning jungkook gently by his hips who looked at him tiredly. well, his head was in pain and the painkillers were useless.

"look we should take a bath together" taehyung said making jungkook chuckle from the sudden words "yeah sure, and I'll let you eat my ass before it" taehyung bite lower lip, slowly checking jungkook out who blushed because he said it as a joke. didn't thinking that taehyung will take it seriously.

"If you want, I don't mind at all" taehyung said playfully, grabbing jks waist to have him closer who rolled eyes and pushed him away a bit harshly "learn to sense irony, okay?" jungkook said annoyed, tugging some of his hair behind his ear confidently making taehyung lick lips. that habit of jungkook was always so attractive for taehyung and honestly turning on.

"coming back, there's no way we take a bath together" jungkook said making taehyung smirk "why?", "why? seriously? that's not funny!" jungkook said at seeing that stupid smirk of taehyung dancing onto his face. "I'm not trying to be funny, closer contact with me would help you a lot with your memories and especially with remembering me. you know how many times we were taking bath or shower together? I saw you naked" taehyung explained softly making jungkook furrow.

"that doesn't make it any less awkward, can't you understand that finally? you only use this excuse to use me" jungkook said annoyed and these words made taehyung get annoyed too as well "that's not true, why are you keep thinking about me that way?", "what way?" jungkook asked back. "like I'm so kind of stranger guy who wants to hurt you, the only thing I want is helping you get your memories back. why can't you understand that?" taehyung said, feeling hurt that jungkook is treating him that way when he loves him so much.

"oh I'm sorry that I'm not feeling in a mood for hugs, joking and fucking sex with you when I literally just lost memories of my whole fucking life! not only you, you're so fucking selfish!" jungkook said now crossing arms, looking away from taehyung who felt how emotions are accumulating inside of his chest.

"and whose fault is this?" taehyung said back getting frustrated as well "yours! If you wouldn't make me comeback for that damn wallet and distract me nothing would happen and I would still remember my whole damn life-" jungkook stopped as If the words stuck in his throat "you remember your accident?" taehyung asked in little shock, walking closer to jungkook who looked away.

"jungkook..." taehyung whispered, placing hand on jks slim waist again who looked up at him saying "forget it" before walking away, feeling how tears are running down onto his cheeks on his own not even being able to control them. taehyung was looking at him with sad, worried gaze, trying to somehow remain himself that jungkook doesn't think about him that way but he couldn't get that thought out of his mind that it was true what he said.

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