thirteen: stay close

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jungkook is sleeping with taehyung in their bedroom, the elder has face blurred into his neck with hands resting onto his milky ass under the surface of his boxers meanwhile jungkook is having his around his neck loosely, feeling soft snoring against his gentle neck skin. their legs are in a mess but in comfortable one and that's what's the most important, they feel good with each other so.

suddenly their sweet sleep broke jin who while entering to their bedroom without knocking quickly said making the younger open eyes "good morning love birds" jungkook is quick to almost cry out after seeing the hour on the wall "It's fucking 8 am you psychopath, I swear you aren't staying here any longer", "what a shame that I'm your private doctor, jungkookie kookie boo" jin said winking at jungkook.

but yeah that was true, jin studied medicine for years and is a doctor in private clinic. that was the main reason why he stays with them for now. "CALL ME THAT ONCE AGAIN-", "shhhhh darling, calm down" jungkook was cut off by taehyung who while mumbling these words lowely started putting wet kisses onto jks neck who was too mad to focus on that now.

"awww is our jungkookie kookie boo sleepy? YOU LITERALLY SLEPT 13 HOURS" jin said "I NEED LOTS OF SLEEP, YOU KNOW THAT" jungkook said back now whipping eyes annoyed with hand, and the other running through taes hair. "oh boo hoo, please just don't cry" jin teased making jungkook be all red from the anger "anyway I came here to tell you that jimin called you, taehyung" jin finally said making the elder hum simply.

"what's up?", "he said that today's his birthday party and you both are invited, including me obviously. he knows that jungkook is not in the best stan so If you don't want to go he will understand" jin explained making jungkooks big eyes shine "of course we'll go!" he said loudly already trying to stand up at the thought of not sitting all the time in the house but was quickly stopped by taehyung who held his hips down.

"no" taehyung said.

"no?" jungkook answered back annoyed.

"no?" jin also asked confused.

"no" taehyung repeated.

"why no?!" jungkook finally asked "because you aren't healthy yet completely and what's more important, you are famous and aren't active in internet for already so long so imagine what can happen there" taehyung explained making the younger pout meanwhile jin quickly said "jimin also added that all the phones are taken away so no one can record jungkook or you taehyung, don't worry about this"

taehyung breath out lost in thoughts full of hesitation "please..." jungkook begged "okay, what about your health yet?", "I'm feeling fine I promise! please, we didn't have fun for so long! it would be so good for us, and I want to dance with you and everything what normal people do... please, tae" jungkook whispered grabbing taes both cheeks who met his eyes, for the first time after accident jungkook called taehyung 'tae' like he used to do.

taehyung after some moments of thinking some more finally nodded making jungkook that happy that pulled him closer by his cheeks and kissed him happily, jin meanwhile looking at the whole scene sigh lovely, earing jks sweet giggling slowly left their bedroom "I guess my old jungkook is coming back" he said to himself now making way towards the kitchen with a smile.

time skip

"are you ready?" taehyung asked jungkook, the three of them are already standing next to the door to jimins house "hell yeah!" jungkook said happily, tightly holding taes hand who sigh and nodded to jin who opened door and entered first "stay close" taehyung said into jks ear when the loud music heat them now trying to walk between drunk people towards more room. yeah, jimin is known for his big, loud parties and that's why taehyung hesitated about coming here even tho it's his best friend.

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