seven: the game

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jungkook at feeling taes arms wrapping around his naked waist from behind, he smiled sleepily meanwhile taehyung started putting wet kisses against his neck. they are in their new house, they graduated about week ago from high school and decided to immediately move in together. also taehyung wants to be sure that jungkook won't live any longer with his messed up family, and he comes from the rich one so that isn't a problem.

"everything okay with you? you seems a little bit tensed and like you aren't here" taehyung whispered, hugging jungkooks body because they just got a really passionate and sweet sex together. well, not a first here.

"It's nothing really, don't worry. I love you so much tae" jungkook whispered now turning to face taehyung and kiss his lips gently "I love you too" taehyung blushed because it's still new how they uses such a words between each other. he said it first because felt huge urge to tell jungkook finally how he feels about him like 2 months ago and the younger couldn't be more happier.

"you're stressed about the addition to bighit today? don't worry, you will get in for sure. your voice is fantastic kook" the elder said, softly caring jks sides who smiled at him warmly. jungkook can't even express how much taehyung have done to him even tho their past isn't really so romantic, but he's so grateful to have him in his life.

"easy for you to say, we just graduated from high school and you have a full-time job with your father at work plus then you inherit his company. I have no family support or anything else besides you and our friends" jungkook whispered a bit embarrassed but at seeing taes pout quickly added "but of course you are enough for me" now putting hand onto taes cheek who smiled.

"I'm so sorry about your parents" taehyung whispered, now leaning to kiss jks bruised arm which he has because the day they graduated from high school was the day where taehyung helped jungkook moving out and of course it ended up fighting a little with his aggressive father. obviously taehyung protected jungkook. "I'm not, I'm done with them. I'm so happy that we are finally living together and I don't have to deal with him beating me up all the time, he's a sick man" jungkook scuffed making taehyung title head to the side.

"but baby, you have every right to feel sad" taehyung said making jungkook look up at him "I swear I'm not, as long as you are with me I'm fine. I don't want to think about it now" he whispered confidently, taehyungs eyes softened at it now looking at jungkook who was slowly placing himself at his lap.

"besides" jungkook breath out, sexily running palms through his hair making taehyung bite lower lip "I have still an hour before my addition and as you can see I'm still in a mood for you, please just let me tire you up" the younger whispered and that was all to make taehyung sat up and kiss him hardly.

meanwhile jungkook let taehyung push himself into his tight hole, moaning at the feeling of taehyung once again inside of himself immediately starting quickly moving up and down still kissing taes lips passionately and deeply, his spine arching at feeling his prostate.

end of the flashback

next morning jungkook is sitting onto the kitchen table, with closed eyes singing to himself his songs which he wrote before accident. he remembers that is a singer but after the car accident he has a problems with remembering the lyrics and obviously his voice, it just simply cracks sometimes and gets jungkook even more annoyed than usual which isn't really a good thing for his state.

taehyung left their bedroom slowly only wearing boxers and at seeing jungkook sitting so small at the kitchen table, singing to himself with closed eyes smiled warmly now quietly making way to him who sang beautifully as always one of his best songs loved all around the world

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