eight: good challenge

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taehyung is making way to exit door in only sweatpants, shirtless, saying loudly "I'm coming!" at hearing knocking there, he literally just end brushing teeth. it's sunday and that's the only day when his body is giving him an opportunity to somehow rest more mentally from work and other things including people.

he opened door and his eye's immediately witnessed jungkook who run into his arms "oh, hi kookie. you are earlier?" taehyung said meanwhile wrapping arms around jks body. jungkook was spending the whole week in jins place because missed his best friend so taehyung of course allowed him, he has nothing to talk about anyway and there will be no ban when it comes to jungkook spending time with jin.

"hey, taehyung. have some coffee?" jin said from behind jungkook, while taehyung nods the younger turned around to jin with absolutely adorable annoyed expression "no no no, you're leaving", "why?" taehyung asked confused at jks behaviour "because he's scary! I'll never again spend with him longer than a week, psychopath!" jungkook explained not noticing yet that taehyung is wrapping arms around his waist from behind.

"he's just mad because I didn't let him sleep till 1pm" jin chuckled, making taehyung roll eyes playfully. jungkook always was a type who If didn't get what he wanted then was in completely adorable way mad. taehyung never was annoyed by that, he thought it was the cutest thing ever and always loved to take care of his baby in these moments.

"you're a pure evil, you know that doctor said that after accident I get tired really easily and needs lots of sleep!" jungkook snapped back, crossing arms meanwhile making jin chuckle even more "who said that? you or doctor?", "obviously doctor!" jungkook pouted but suddenly felt a kiss onto nape "you look so beautiful today, baby" taehyung said lowely against jks skin making jungkook blush and pull away from him harshly.

"to you I'm not talking either! talk to your lovely manager bogum because he's the only one who will give you more attention!" jungkook said making taehyung roll eyes "seriously? why are you getting only these memories and not when we were actually madly in love with each other?" he asked with a smirk and jungkook is quick to starts walking away, saying "and why are you that annoying, see? we will never know" but heard laughing from behind.

"are you two laughing at me?!" jungkook asked turning around and jin and taehyung are quick to shook head "nope" jungkook bite lower lip and again started walking away from them but also this time heard laughing "stop laughing at me!" jungkook pouted turning around one more time to face them before walking quicker to his and taes bedroom, taehyung smiled warmly and said to jin "give me a minute, I'll appease him" before following jungkook.


"you can say whatever you want, I still don't believe you!"

jungkook said meanwhile folding the laundry all pissed, walking around the room meanwhile sometimes mumbling something to himself. "he's my manager jungkook, what the fuck are you even talking about" taehyung said meanwhile running palms through hair a little bit annoyed "but he clearly likes you, I don't care what you say It's still suspicious how much time you spent with that damn bogum or whoever he is!" jungkook snapped back.

"are you trying to tell me that i cheated on you with my fucking manager? that's what you mean? you really don't trust me that much after 2 years of relationship?!" taehyung said now standing up from the bed just to walk closer to jungkook who rolled eyes annoyed.

"he's better looking than I am so-", "he isn't for me so stop with that bullshit because after the asia tour you're all the time stressed and annoyed by everything. you only take it out on me" taehyung cut off jungkook who scuffed "seriously? don't change the topic! he was fucking flirting with you in front of my eyes and you are lying If you didn't notice it! seriously? 'see you tomorrow, big guy'? didn't tell you something?! nothing suspicious?!" he said trying to walk away but taehyung again stepped in front of him.

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